Binge drinking and alcohol poisoning are a serious risk to underage alcohol consumers. Get Access. As stated by The Odyssey, more thanpeople die each year from smoking cigarettes, while drinking causes nearly 88, deaths per year. In Dr. Controversial Issues: Lowering The Drinking Age This reasoning still stands valid because in fact, it can be debated that the reason many teenagers drink illegally is because of the concept of rebellion. Words: - Pages: 4.
Drinking Age Debate
Counter Argument: Again, lowering the legal age for a person to consume alcohol has its risks, but at the same time it could improve the way teenagers approach situations. And if they do, they will do it in a responsible setting. VIII: Conclusion: A. All in all, law enforcers should lower the drinking age because the effects essays on lowering the drinking age to 18 binge drinking and dangerous events would not occur as often. This is why we need to enact a law that lowers essays on lowering the drinking age to 18 drinking age from twenty one, to eighteen.
Alcohol Consumption at Eighteen Underage drinking occurs in most parts of the world. In the United States the minimum legal drinking age MLDA is twenty-one years old. Many argue that it should be lowered to eighteen essays on lowering the drinking age to 18 they believe that it will lower the rate of accidents and deaths. Lowering the drinking age from twenty-one to eighteen years old will keep teenagers from drinking in dangerous environments; it will also urge them to seek appropriate medical attention while under the influence of alcohol. Modifying the MLDA from twenty-one to eighteen will stop pressuring teenagers into binge drinking.
The consumption of alcohol is a problem, but the main issue that should be recognized is if lowering it would increase safety externally and even internally. Obviously alcohol is never a healthy thing and many health issues will come out of it if it is abused, but maybe lowering the legal drinking age will help with that too! What about drinking and driving? This reasoning still stands valid because in fact, it can be debated that the reason many teenagers drink illegally is because of the concept of rebellion. By lowering the drinking age, less and less young adults will have the urge to drink. In a News Weekly article, Jeffrey A. The notion that this law is accomplishing anything to actually stop or even curb teen drinking is preposterous. Instead, we see all the unintended effects of Prohibition: over-indulgence, anti-social behavior, disrespect for the law, secrecy and sneaking and a massive diversion of human energy.
People who support the act argue that it prevents binge drinking and that alcohol can have negative effects on the brain 's development. On the other hand, others who advocate for a MDA of 18 reason that 18 is the age of adulthood in which they have the right to dictate what they do and do not consume into their bodies. At eighteen, essays on lowering the drinking age to 18, one is considered an adult, but, can not do all the things adults are able to do. It is thought that lowering the drinking age would cause more drunk driving accidents, but, there could be other laws that could be enforced to help with this.
In Dr. At the age of 18, you are given the right to vote, go to war, and buy cigarettes but are not allowed to consume alcohol, which almost contradicts itself, essays on lowering the drinking age to 18. Drinking alcohol at such a young age can lead to alcohol binging and dependence, resulting in possible long term effects, affecting cognitive brain functions. The increase in drunk-related crashes also has been a significant concern for lowering the drinking age back to Teenagers will drink alcohol no matter what the drinking age is set at. As we enforce a drinking age limit of 21, we are also driving alcohol consumption underground, which causes binge drinking and poor habits. Henry and Nelson When something is the leading cause of death, the response should be how to fix this problem, not providing easier access to young adults.
With research, the major findings since raising the minimum legal drinking age to 21 are decreased motor vehicle crashes and lower rates of alcohol consumption Wechsler and Nelson These two findings show that by changing the age permitting alcohol consumption, essays on lowering the drinking age to 18, it has helped reduce the damage that alcohol can cause towards society. Many would agree that leaving the minimum legal drinking age at 21 is the best choice, although there are still groups that argue that lowering it is the right of all…. He does appeal to his audience of young college students, but he does not appeal to a more broad audience of the government.
Being a former student at Duke University does not give him the full authority to appeal to the government. Cohan does have a strong stance in his argument, but realistically the chances of the government lowering the drinking age is low. Lowering the drinking age might have its pros, but it might not be an overall good idea for the U. Cohan believes that many people turn away when they hear the problem of binge drinking. It is a real problem among many young people in college. Home Flashcards Create Flashcards Essays Essay Topics Writing Tool. Essays Essays FlashCards. Browse Essays. Sign in. Flashcard Dashboard Essay Dashboard Essay Settings Sign Out.
Home Page Essay On Lowering The Drinking Age To Essay On Lowering The Drinking Age To 18 Words 5 Pages Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Show More. Related Documents Drinking Age Debate C. Read More. Words: - Pages: 5. Lower The Drinking Age This is why we need to enact a law that lowers the drinking age from twenty one, to eighteen. Words: - Pages: 4. Arguments Against Lowering The Drinking Age To 18 Alcohol Consumption at Eighteen Underage drinking occurs in most parts of the world. When Should The Drinking Age Be Twenty? Words: - Pages: 6. Controversial Issues: Lowering The Drinking Age This reasoning still stands valid because in fact, it can be debated that the reason many teenagers drink illegally is because of the concept of rebellion.
Should Drinking Age Be Lowered To 18 People who support the act argue that it prevents binge drinking and that alcohol can have negative effects on the brain 's development. What Are The Benefits Of Lowering Drinking Age Go To 18? Effects Of Lowering The Drinking Age Henry and Nelson Rhetorical Analysis Of Get Real Lower Drinking Age To 19 Cohan He does appeal to his audience of young college students, but he does not appeal to a more broad audience of the government. Related Topics. Drinking culture. Ready To Get Started? Create Flashcards. Discover Create Flashcards Mobile apps. Company About FAQ Support Legal Accessibility. Follow Facebook Twitter. Privacy Policy CA Privacy Policy Site Map Advertise Cookie Settings, essays on lowering the drinking age to 18.
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With more people buying drinks from liquor stores, small town bars and restaurants, this will cause the tax revenue to increase as well, bringing in more money for the community. As John Mccardell of Middlebury College puts it, the drinking age of 21 has been an abysmal failure. It has not reduced or limited drinking activity in minors, but simply driven it underground, behind closed doors, and in private. The truth of the matter is, underage drinkers are going to get their hands on alcohol regardless of the law. Underage drinking has become a new norm in society. Police officers are beginning to realize that they cannot stop it, they can only contain it.
Authorities find themselves making two arrests or convictions for every thousand violations. If efforts of police officers were more focused on alcohol abuse, the overconsumption of alcohol, and d. driving instead of trying to chase kids with a beer in their hand, they would be more successful in keeping society safe. If people the age of 18 were able to drink legally, there would be no reason to hide their alcohol consumption, thus making it easier for authorities and also guardians to control and regulate. Upon turning 18, they are now eligible to enlist in the military, vote for local, state, and national government positions, and they are allowed to purchase cigarettes and other tobacco products.
As stated by The Odyssey, more than , people die each year from smoking cigarettes, while drinking causes nearly 88, deaths per year. These numbers show that smoking cigarettes cause four times more deaths in America per year than consuming alcohol. If this is the truth, what sense does it make for the product that causes the most deaths to be available at a younger age? If an year-old can make the decision to smoke cigarettes and increase their risk of getting cancer, then it should be up to them to consume alcohol responsibly. As stated before, year-olds can make the decision of going into the military and fighting for their country.
For most people, this is a big decision, as it should be. If an year-old is capable of making the decision to fire a weapon and put their life on the line in battle, they should be able to enjoy a refreshing adult beverage if they wish. Alcohol is a sedative and a depressant that affects the central nervous system, relaxing your muscles and soothing the mind. With this being said, if an individual is mature enough to make life-altering decisions such as smoking cigarettes and joining the military, they should be able to enjoy alcoholic beverages as well. Some people may choose to view this topic from the other side. While the risk of underage drinkers binge drinking and getting alcohol poisoning is a real concern, most teens consume alcohol with the fear of being caught and the uncertainty of when they will be able to drink again.
If the drinking age was lowered to 18, college students and other people of the same age could consume alcohol comfortably and in a safer manner, lowering the risk of alcohol poisoning. If year-olds could legally consume alcohol, it would take away that adrenaline rush factor they get from consuming alcohol at their age and they would be more controlled instead of feeling the need to always overdo it. As stated before, the 21 drinking age has not prevented the consumption of alcohol in minors in the slightest. The law has created a culture of reckless behavior and unsupervised binging. With this in mind, normalizing alcohol consumption as something done responsibly in moderation will make drinking alcohol less of a taboo for young adults entering college and the workforce.
In conclusion, lowering the drinking age to 18 would boost the economy, benefit the community, and prevent kids under the age of 21 from binge drinking and reduce the risk of alcohol poisoning in minors. Every time a party gets busted and every underage drinker gets a ticket, authorities are pushing the issue further and further underground. The reality is, kids are going to find ways to escape the limit, no matter what the law says. Dropping the age to 18 would nearly eliminate the behavior that teenagers exhibit when they come in contact with alcohol. Furthermore, this would allow them to experience alcohol consumption in moderation, instead of acting recklessly and being irresponsible, on top of dealing with possible health issues that could come with it.
With that being said, lowering the drinking age to 18 would greatly benefit society and in turn, keep young adults safer and teach them how to be responsible instead of teaching them how to be sneaky. Lowering the Drinking Age to com, Jul 10, Accessed January 7, com , Jul Order paper like this. The odds of you having a good start to college if your going in a virgin to alcohol are not in your favor. Lowering the minimum age back to 18 would require a significant shift in this country, but it is a shift that is crucial to the alcohol problem many college students and young adults face.
WORKS CITED Arguments for lowering the drinking age on RALLY Realistic Alcohol Laws for Legal Youth. Spring Syracus University. Alcohol Misuse Among College Students and Other Young Adults. There are many eighteen year, with immaturity. Teens get drunk twice as fast as adults, 9 but have more trouble knowing when to stop. Teens naturally ov states reduced highway funds because of the damage of underage drinking, which made states revamp the age back to twenty one in order to get highway funds. Home Page Lowering the Drinking Age to Lowering the Drinking Age to 18 Satisfactory Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. There has been an ongoing controversy in the United States on whether the drinking age should be lowered to eighteen like most of the world or if it should stay at twenty-one.
Underage drinking has been a major controversial issue for years, yet why is it not under control? Teenagers are continuing to buy alcohol with fake identification cards, drink, get into bars, and drink illegally. As a teen I have proof that these things are going on not only in college but in high school as well. There are a lot of factors that come together to why the drinking age should be lowered to eighteen; the most obvious reason is too many people are drinking before they are twenty-one. Liquor stores, bars, and clubs all want to make money and if they can get away with selling to underage teens then they will. A study done by the Academic Search Premier agrees that,? By now it is obvious that the law has not succeeded in preventing the under group from drinking?
Michael Smith 1. There would be a lot of benefits to having the drinking age change to eighteen. The amount of binge drinking would lessen, and the out rage to drink would also decrease. According to Smith,? Reports of binge drinking come from all types of campuses across the country. In , researchers reported that more college? s students were drinking to get drunk than their counterparts a decade earlier, and one recent study reported an increase, just since , in the number of students who drink deliberately to get drunk? Smith 1.
I interviewed my friend Shelly Mitchell who recently turned twenty-one and asked her how she felt about finally being legal to drink. She quoted,? It is not as exciting to drink anymore, I mean I still like to go out with my friends to bars, but the fun is all over, in high school and college it was so exciting trying to get alcohol by using a fake ID.? All of these factors could be changed by lowering the drinking age to eighteen. In a study done by the Harvard School of Public Health, binge drinking is defined as five drinks in a row for boys and four drinks for girls. Get Access. Good Essays. Pros And Cons Of Lowering The Legal Drinking Age Words 4 Pages. Pros And Cons Of Lowering The Legal Drinking Age.
Read More. Satisfactory Essays. Lowering the Buying and Drinking Age of Alcohol Words 3 Pages. Lowering the Buying and Drinking Age of Alcohol. Lower the Drinking Age To 18 Words 1 Pages.
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