Friday, January 14, 2022

Essays on power

Essays on power

References Changing Minds. Impact Power Society. Historically, power was used to separate essays on power physically divide populations. The programs entail… References Jayme, N. The fact that Lysistrata's "came to power" by virtue of her own leadership abilities which were recognized and celebrated by their peers rather than having them thrust upon her from above is pointed out by Oberessays on power, who reports, "The Athenians' demonstrated concern with native intelligence, their distrust of elite education, and their respect for the authority of the elders are parodied by Aristophanes, who mimics rhetorical topoi in the speech of Lysistrata, the female demagogue: Listen to my words I am a woman, but I'm smart enough Indeed, my mind's not bad at all.

What is political power?

The parliament is responsible for the death of democracy and the rise of a dictatorship in Germany. They did not essays on power their duty thus making them lose the support of the people, which later transferred to Hitler. The parliament was then subjected to please Hitler by putting him in power and with the fear he installed in essays on power members there was nothing holding him back to essays on power ultimate ruler of Germany or better known as the Furheer. The parliament should have done their job properly postwar and perhaps democracy could have essays on power saved. Yet, perhaps, essays on power, the entire experience that Germany endured with its government system suggests that democracy is only essays on power dream.

The policy was based on the League of Nations dealing with any countries, which were too powerful, but as the League of Nations failed, so did the middle of paper The British people also did not want war, and so were pressurising Chamberlain to avoid it. And at this time, Britain was unable to afford to rearm due to economic pressure. But the majority of these reasons are hardly to do with Chamberlain personally, as they had been forced upon him. In Chamberlain essays on power given the Sudetenland to Hitler, this gave Hitler more confidence to attack more countries and to spread out further. Lastly he hoped to expand east r of Great Britain. However, having the determination that Hitler did was not enough to defeat the Allied forces as the war went on.

He went as far to believe that he had fought the wrong war, but why? His foreign policies were clear from the very beginning: destroy the Treaty of Versailles, essays on power, unite all German-speaking nations, essays on power, and racially cleanse the land he wanted to create for his new collection of German people. His statement must be made false due to the fact that even though he lost the war, Hitler had the footing and power to achieve most of his goals. Rick Carlisle and Ron Artest though had a bad starting to this year when Artest asked for time off to promote his new album coming out. With that knowledge Rick Carlisle still d s I stated before I am a coach, and after reading these articles I have definitely learned a lot from all these incidents and situations.

So, there will always be wars which are inevitable because war is brought on for many reasons such as resources, wealth, power, essays on power, land and negative feelings for one person or a group of people while one person may essays on power able to control their responses to these feelings, essays on power, it is highly unlikely that every person will control those responses. Therefore war will always occur, even in a peaceful society. Warfare changes. Throughout all the history of society people who wanted to become significant and influence different process, had to struggle to achieve their aim. It is possible to say that it is the universal law according to which the world is organized.

Rivalry is a phenomenon which helps to regulate the functioning of any society or community. Due to its existence only the people who are needed at the current stage of development of society, will be able to become significant and influence some processes. That is why, to win the rivalry people try to develop different skills which will be able to help them. He also complained, " But why publicize it on the Instagram and why bring it to my games Sterling? In protest, the player of the Clippers wore their training jerseys inside out Moore. As a result, Adam Silveressays on power, commissioner of the NBA, banned Donald Sterling for life. Sterling could not attend nor part rencing Slaves.

Does sport injuries only occur from deliberately harming another player or does it occur from different aspects that can harm a athletic human body? NBA Players understand that aggressive behavior and any type of poor conduct results in a heavy price. The NBA League enforces plenty of rules to regulate players and when one is broken, action is taken immediately and forced towards the player. All NBA Players know that any essays on power aggression can lead to a flagrant foul, which can potentially harm the athletic players. Who Is To Blame? An argument ensued followed by a shoving match between the two which got both teams involved. In a matter of minutes the brawl escalated into the seats of the fans, with some fans throwing fists and full cups of beer at the athlete, prompting what began as a simple altercation on the court into all out mayhem, essays on power.

Ron Artest, Anthony Johnson, David Harrison, Jermaine O'Neal and Stephen Jackson of the pacers and Ben Wallace of the Detroit Pistons as a result missed a significant essays on power of the regular season from suspensions as a result. Kobe Bryant has anything and everything any living person could want, and as a former NBA champion, he even has arguably more athleticism than most people out there. However, even through his NBA championships and his MVP awards, many people tend to look at Kobe in a very negative way; almost look down on the star for one single occurrence, essays on power. This may seem harsh, but there is indeed a logical explanation to this seemingly pessimistic attention Kobe always attracts, essays on power.

Home Page The Definition of Power. The Definition of Power Satisfactory Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Essays on power Definition of Power Power is many things. It is the ability to get whatever you want. Power is a necessary component in any society, otherwise all pandemonium would break loose; leaders must be established. But, when taken to an extremepower is not good, and pandemonium will break loose. As Lord Acton said, "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. He believed he could not be stopped and that rules did essays on power apply to him. By being given absolute power, he corrupted the government.

Essays on power attempt was made to stop this by the Germans, because of the control he had. People were either scared to stop this, or were brainwashed into believing it. Finally the U. had to step in and try to stop Hitler, and World War II broke out. But power is not all bad though, essays on power. As was stated earlier, it is necessary in any group of people, and there will be struggle to achieve it--be it a country, a business, essays on power, or a sports team. Athletics is a good example of where there is a constant power struggle. In every league, every player wants control. They want what they think should happen during gamesto happen. Recently, in the NBA, essays on power, Dennis Rodman took this struggle to an extreme.

In disagreement with an official's call, Rodman head-butted the official, and through a temper- tantrum on his way essays on power the court. Quite obviously, this is bad. Every player in the league agrees to the rules set by the NBA from the beginning. The rules are made to keep essays on power, and the officials have power to enforce these rules. If there were no regulations, players would be doing whatever they wanted whenever they wanted. If Rodman's antics would have taken place somewhere other than a basketball court he probably would be in trouble with the law. If he were to argue with a police officer, for example, the same way he did with the referee, he probably would be put in jail or at very least heavily fined.

Well, the NBA is not going to put anyone in jail for this, but they did fine him and suspend him for a couple of games. Basically Rodman is as bad as any street bully who picks on or beats up little kids. Only he essays on power it on a basketball court, so generally it is considered "part of the game. Get Access. Better Essays. Eulogy: Farewell to Democracy Words 3 Pages. Eulogy: Farewell to Democracy. Read More. Viewing Chamberlain as a Peacemaker Words 5 Pages. Viewing Chamberlain as a Peacemaker. Good Essays. Adolf Hitler 's Influence On The United Under The Guise Of Making Germany Great Again Words 3 Pages. Adolf Hitler 's Influence On The United Under The Guise Of Making Germany Great Again.

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Historically, power was used to separate and physically divide populations. The implementation of power was visible, for example, public executions during medieval times were visible to the public. However, Foucault has argued that modern power resembles the Panopticon. The Panopticon is characterised without visible banishment Power has historically taken on different meanings and functions. For Max Weber, power is merely instrumental, whereas Hannah Arendt sees it as communicative, and Michel Foucault as strategic. Although power is traditionally defined as essentially repressive and negative, I will argue along the lines of Hannah Arendt Max Weber Power.

This can be done by examining challenges that presidents face and the actions they take Power President Separation of Powers. Since ancient times, women leaders have led mighty empires as hereditary monarchs. However, it was not until when the first appointed female head of state, Sirivamo Bandaranaike from Sri Lanka ascended to office as head of state. In , following the death of the Power Sexism Woman. Increasing energy needs and decreasing conventional energy sources put more focus on the renewable energy sources in general and solar energy in particular. Generation of electrical energy from solar energy needs the application of photovoltaic PV principles. Hence, PV cells have become most important component Energy Power.

Sentence Structure. Evidence and Details. Over the past few decades, gender roles have drastically changed in our modern society, compared to the older times. Today, women are given equal rights to vote, rights to education, equal job opportunities, and equal amount of pay doing the same work their male coworkers Hamlet Power William Shakespeare. The desire for power is a quality that many of us share, but its interpretation can vary. Different people have different viewpoints about the definition of power. One may think it is the ability to make change while another may think it is brute strength Game of Thrones Power. However, power is applied in different forms. Coercive power is based on fear. Coercive power includes sanctions, restrictions, and control by force.

Power plays an important role in politics because its consequences can yield positive or negative results. Power in politics is a two-way relationship depending on how people interact based on the resources or values they hold or are in control of. Conflict arises due to pressure to achieve specific goals that might not be realistic. That is why leaders manipulate his followers to serve their needs at the expense of others. In a democratic system, use of power should not involve force; instead of obtaining power should be more of influence that is known as soft power.

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References Mills, C. The Power Elite. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Weber, M. Max Weber: Selections in Translation, W. G Runciman Trans. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Power and Weakness obert Kagan's article entitled "Power and Weakness" which appeared in the journal Policy eview is a fine example of an argument that takes advantage of its assumptions without discussing them. The purpose of this essay is to critically analyze this source which represents a sustained reflection on the detractions, merit and implications of the author.

This essay will first summarize the article by discussing the explicit and implicit assumptions made by the author. The next section of this essay will state my personal views on the subject presented and discuss the implications that I believe the article to be putting forth. The essential point of the article can be inferred by the subtitle of the article: Why the United States and Europe see the World Differently. This piece was written in the year which, in historical terms was a very delicate and trying time for…. References G. Howell and J. Goldsein, "The contemporary presidency: Cheney, Vice-Presidential power and the War on Terror," Presidential Studies Quarterly, L.

Page, 'Who influences U. foreign policy? Power and Weakness. Policy Review. However owners of this people were highly prohibited to mistreat them as it was against the customary law of the community to do so. The following is the list of the title given to different people in Lao community depending on their job and duty performed in the community. Huu muang transl. Khuu muang transl. References Marc Bleacher, China Politics, Economics and Society. France Printers, London Macrae janet and peg white, The Chinese Way, Brooks Waterloo, Sydney. Jana Raendchen, The Socio-political and Administrative Organization of Muang in the Light of Lao Historical Manuscripts.

pdf Rosita Dellios, Mandala: from Sacred Origins to Sovereign Affairs in Traditional Southeast Asia. Pluralism is a theory that states "…groups with shared interests influence public policy by pressing their concerns through organized effort. Those institutions that can become organized in the most effective manner seem to be the ones who can influence the government when it comes to public policy. Because it is the voters who must be convinced to cast their ballots for a specific candidate, candidates must campaign for office. When it comes to a campaign, it is the primary purpose of the organization to reinforce, activate, and convert voters.

Edwards, , p. References Edwards, George, Martin Wattenberg, and Robert Lineberry. Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy. Boston: Pearson Longman. Power of Media in American Values Contemporary Discuss the power of the media in shaping contemporary American values. The online oxford dictionary defines media as "the main means of mass communication television, radio, and newspapers regarded collectively" oxforddictionaries. This implies that the public globally are highly dependent on media to get information regarding what surrounds them, so is the American public Edwards, ;9. In any case, the most efficient way of transmitting information to a large population almost instantly is the media. Media has been present since the beginning of man, all that has been changing and improving is the means of disseminating the information to the masses with the result being significant.

For instance, the arrival of television in the early 's revolutionized the media industry and its efficiency to providing information to Americans has been undoubtedly superb. Just like any other technological advancements, the changes in media have…. Thus, the initial negotiation was not a difficult choice, as Miami had both the lowest opportunity cost and the highest benefits. Later, when Washington re-entered the picture, it was because the league had raised suspicion with respect to the Miami contract with Howard. As a result, the cost-benefit analysis and risk analysis shifted. In addition, the career success benefit did not have the same opportunity cost that it did before -- if Washington won back Bird rights to Howard it would be able to add him to a team full of quality free agents that it….

They have worked hard to change the views of women in power. In particular, the women that have succeeded despite having "female" personality traits and leadership styles have paved the way for a shift in the paradigm that allows for future women to be more readily accepted. Once this occurs, more women will be in management. This allows for the rational-legal authority to also shift, since leaders tend to prefer to be surrounded by their own kind. More women in leadership will beget more women in leadership in the future. Another method of acquiring real power was to create it.

Sharon Patrick notes that if opportunities to build one's power are not immediately present, then those opportunities need to be created. hile Patrick discusses this approach as being congruent with her "female" values because the new ventures and partnerships allow her to lead in her own style, creating such ventures…. Works Cited: Muoio, a. Women and men, work and power. Fast Company. My colleagues at work know me for being honest yet diplomatic and congenial. To my staff, I am an authority figure who knows how to empathize with them, as I also rose through the ranks before I became a middle manager.

However, in order to preserve the authority, respect and influence I have over my staff, I also make it a point to assume the role of a superior while offering empathic advice or suggestions to them. Further, I only discuss with my staff issues that are related to our work, which may include personal problems that led to poor performance, absences, among other issues. I also offer my honest opinion in every issue discussed, and I think that my honesty and ability to empathize with my staff made me a good influence and inspiration to them. I also establish my legitimacy as a middle manager by showing that I…. Power Its Use and Misuse Use and misuse of power: Different types of power Power is often conceptualized as a force that is done 'to' someone 'by' something such as an institution or someone.

However, power is often a far more subtle form of influence. Power is not necessarily 'bad;' rather it is how it is used makes all of the difference. When T. Eliot wrote: "Half of the harm that is done in this world is caused by people who have power and want to feel important. Coercive power is the typical scenario that comes to mind when people are talking about the potential misuses of power. References Straker, David. French and Raven's Five Forms of Power. Changing Minds. Power Tools Few products are truly necessary to the average consumer, and even fewer products become omnipresent. Examples of such products are automobiles, clothing, food, and shelter. Power tools are another such product. Any individual who has undertaken a home improvement project has most likely purchased and used power tools.

While power tools range from the largely ordinary i. This paper analyzes and examines the multitude of issues related to power tools. Part II discusses statistics regarding power tools, companies and competition in the industry, government regulation, and health hazards. Lastly, this paper concludes with recommendations about whether the company should manufacture power tools in its excess plant space. com on July 14, Power, by definition, is the "ability to control the behavior of others, even against their will" hio, , p. he relationship between power, and our belief system or ideology is quite simple - this control that can be exerted over another person, group, country, race, or religion is most often associated with wealth.

he majority of sociologists believe that with wealth comes power, and with more wealth comes more power hio, , p. Power is intertwined into our system of beliefs throughout - our political system is one prime example of that relationship. Most of the top government positions are occupied or funded by someone who is wealthy. George W. Bush hails from exas, land of oil millionaires, and he once was the owner of the exas Rangers. Yes, the owner of a Major League Baseball team. You might say he has some money. Wealthy persons are surely…. There are some kinds of power that may not be negative, such as the power that is labeled as "legitimate" by Thio on page Legitimate power is when the person believes the control being exercised is with their "consent" or permission Thio, , p. This type of power is either influence, which is the "ability to control others' behaviors through persuasion rather than coercion or authority" or authority, which is power represented by organizations or institutions, such as our government Thio, , p.

Influence is a more subtle approach to power, such as a professional athlete attempting to influence his fans to purchase a certain brand of sneaker or apparel. Just as there is consensual yielding of power, there are the kinds of power that someone uses without the permission of the other person. This type of power is defined as illegitimate Thio, , p. The use of this sort of power is called "coercion" - the "use of force or the threat of force to compel obedience" Thio, , For example, when someone commits sexual violence against another person, it is typically their threats of harm that prevent the victim from yelling out for help. Obviously, our entire lives and belief systems are centered around power, and its control of our actions.

Someone always holds power at all times, and for some sociologists, it is the power elite with all of the control, or to others power is evenly distributed among large groups in our nation. Regardless of which theory is believed, it is undeniable that power struggles exist daily, and can bring positive as well as negative repercussions for those in power, and those without power. At the end of the school career, the average Japanese child is then highly educated. Hotaka is no exception, while his high level of intelligence also counts in his favor. Hotaka is not physically very adept, but enjoys water sports such as swimming and sailing. In general, physical prowess is not something he will need during his future career in his father's company.

Another element that counts in Hotaka's favor is the fact that he has a particular affinity for his father's work. He is very communicative with his father, and enjoys learning from him. He sees entering his father's role as an opportunity to further the family legacy. Like his father, he also feels that family values and traditions are highly important not only for the stability of Japanese culture in general, but also for the Japanese individual specifically. Although Hotaka is limited in terms of personal career choice,…. Malala Are words as powerful as weapons? Malala Yousafzai has often made this analogy in her speeches and written works, and there is some merit to the idea that words have a power that is similar to the power held by weapons.

For Malala, this analogy is what got her started, and has proven to drive her since that point. What she means when she says this is simple. Guns, as a form of violence, can harm or kill people, but they can only harm or kill each person individually. Even weapons of mass destruction that could wipe out an entire civilization would be…. After all, a person's sense of self-worth depends on feeling competent and able to influence what is happening in one's life. How much power we perceive ourselves to have directly influences our sense of self-esteem. In other words your power over another person rests on your having something to give them that they need.

For example, in the days when women had few rights and little power in their marriages, they did have sex a valuable currency , which they could give or withhold in order to exert power. But it depends on the relationship what the currency is. Sex isn't a currency in a business relationship, for instance, and perhaps it shouldn't be used as a currency in an intimate relationship. Every person has potential…. References Hocker, J. And Wilmot, W. Interpersonal conflict. Seventh Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill. Otherwise, during long stretches of straight roads, power steering is not necessary. Still used on almost all late twentieth-century commercial automobiles, power steering systems have not changed substantially in their basic principles since they were first developed as hydraulic systems in the middle of the twentieth century.

ecently power steering systems have improved dramatically. Nice nd notes that power steering does consume fuel and so automobile engineers have been striving to make the hydraulic systems more efficient. Electronic controls would "eliminate the mechanical connection between the steering wheel and the steering," Nice nd. Essentially, an electronic power steering system would feel more like a computer gaming wheel than a traditional car wheel Nice nd. General Motor's Hy-Wire system is an emerging example of electronic "drive by wire" power steering systems Nice nd.

Power steering has not changed society for better or for worse. Some positive effects of power steering include…. References Bellis, M. Automobile history. htm Car Talk. html Electronic Power Steering. htm Nice, K. How car steering works. How Stuff Works. The crux of this challenge however is the distribution and fulfillment system, an area Amazon. com for example had streamlined for low-quantity orders before ever launching their website and online store. This equates to what Elberse and Oberholzer-Gee mention as the ability of online retailers to in effect feed the creation of long-tail markets by representing thousands of products online and fulfilling them through synchronized order management and supply chain systems.

According to Newman the network centricity of the Power Law is a contributing factor to its efficiency. From the standpoint of online retailers, this network effect is illustrated by the level of supply chain integration, synchronization, and the use of real-time shared data to create stronger hub-like efficiencies within a Power Law-dominated industry. One assumption and area of future research is in the definition of velocities of information throughout a Power Law network. Figure 2 shows a graphical…. References Columbus - Defining Your Direction in Guided Selling. AMR Research. November 1, Louis Columbus. pdf Elberse and Oberholzer-Gee - Superstars and Underdogs: An Examination of the Long Tail Phenomenon in Video Sales.

Harvard Business School Working Paper Series No. September 5, Newman - Power laws, Pareto distributions and Zipf's law. Contemporary Physics. Volume 46, Number 5, September Pages Only then will the moe effective use of knowledge occu and its value is de-politicized, making it moe potent in geneating pofits Chatand, It is a paadox that the moe challenging, disuptive and uncetain a given industy is the moe oganizations factionalize thei stuctues, ceating splinte goups and politically volatile stuctues that only acceleate a company's demise.

The paadox is that in the toughest and uncetain of times in the telecommunications industy, Veizon Telecommunications needs to think moe about how they too can be a disuptive foce in the maket. Instead, the management team is focused on a highly balkanized, vey politically-diven agenda of holding onto powe by ceating smalle silos o depatments that can easily manage the data that is peceived as the most valuable asset thee is in the oganization. The paadox comes full cicle when a company is sold in pieces and the sold unit o…. references added Chartrand, R. The politics of information. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 36 6 , Yield management, dynamic pricing and CRM in telecommunications.

The Journal of Services Marketing, 22 6 , Liljander, V. Do mobile CRM services appeal to loyalty program customers? International Journal of E-Business Research, 3 2 , , Piercy, N. Information control and the power and politics of marketing. Journal of Business Research, 18 3 , The doctor giving the instructions was a male doctor. it is often perceived or if I may put it a misconception that the male gender is superior. Therefore, the female nurse took in the instructions given to her by the doctor keeping it in mind that he was superior and thus the instructions given were correct.

If for instance the nurse was receiving instructions from a female doctor then they would have some doubts on the instructions given. This means that gender played a role in the situation as it influenced the way the nurse took I the instructions given Policies to address negative gender related perceptions Within the healthcare there are various strategies hat have been put in place to ensure that negative gender related perceptions are eradicated. This includes gender awareness programs which are aimed as sensitizing the staff on the importance of gender equality. The programs entail…. References Jayme, N.

Social power persuades. Editor's Review - Power Dynamics in the Classroom. Power of the President The executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America," Article II, Section1. The United States Constitution outlines the various powers, duties, and rights of the President mainly in Article Two, after treating the various roles of congress. The President functions simultaneously as the Chief and Head of State, as the Commander in Chief of the United States Army, as Chief Legislator and Diplomat, as the manager of the economy and the state of the union, and as the head of his political party. Some of these roles are not specifically mentioned in the Constitution. An examination of the Constitution reveals that the Chief Executive of the United States is endowed with much power.

He alone has the power to pardon high treason or to make treaties with foreign nations, for instance. However, because of the intricate system of checks and…. Power of Myths Myths are probably one of the most misunderstood phenomena because of their slightly absurd and almost unreal elements. While ancient myths may have lost their glory to many, they are still considered important by people like Joseph Campbell who have tried to unearth the mystery surrounding them. Campbell in his book Power of Myth has tried to highlight just that- 'power of myths'. Why are myths important, what function do they serve, what is their connection to our modern lives and reality.

These are some of the questions that Campbell seeks to answer in his book, which is actually a series of dialogues with Bill Moyers. The author has tried to explain why myths play n important role in our lives even today when apparently most of us have lost interest in ancient mythology. Campbell explains, "These bits of information from ancient times, which have to do…. References Campbell, J. The hero with a thousand faces, Princeton: Princeton University Press Joseph Campbell, The Power of Myth. New York: Doubleday, Stigliano, Tony, Fascism's mythologist: Mircea Eliade and the politics of myth, ReVision, , pp Syberberg, H. Hitler: A film for Germany. New York: Farra, Straus, Giroux.

To stimulate economic development and fiscal growth, local, state and federal governments work in tandem with the private sector. Urban planning can therefore be a highly political endeavor. Urban planning involves large-scale land-use projects that involve political decisions. For example, how to zone a metropolitan region is a political issue. Should new schools be built in neighborhoods with higher property taxes because the residents of those neighborhoods can afford them? Or should new schools be built in poorer neighborhoods to mitigate the long-term effects of poverty such as a lack of access to education?

Therefore, the six core ways in which urban planning is political in nature include the following. First, urban planning involves land use projects. Determining whether land is devoted towards residential, business, park and recreational, or health care needs is a politically charged issue. Second, the drawing up of political zones will impact voter behavior and affect…. References Catlin, R. Racial Politics and Urban Planning. University Press of Kentucky. Domhoff, G. Wealth, Income, and Power. Who Rules America? Power in Cathedral and Ethics People in the position of power have the authority to influence the world around them. ith this power should come responsibility. Those with the power to change the world must stand behind their actions.

They have the responsibility to take ownership of their choices and they also have the implicit responsibility of bettering the lives of the people around them. In Carver's "Cathedral" and Pastan's "Ethics" are both short stories which deal with individuals with power and how those people utilize their positions responsibly or shirk their responsibility in favor of personal pleasure. In Carver's "Cathedral," the story begins with the narrator informing the reader that he is uncomfortable with his impending visitor because the man is blind. This narrator is seemingly dismissive of everything; not only the blind man or his relationship with the man's wife, but dismissive of his wife's first marriage, of….

Power of Goodness in Nights "One thousand and one nights" is probably one of the most famous books in the world. While most of the readers are children, it is just as true that the book can be enjoyed by adults as well. The texts provide not just beautiful descriptions and captivating adventures, but they are also full of symbols and significant meaning. From this point-of-view, it can be stated that the levels of interpretation may vary according to the readers' general culture. The book consists in a collection of tales. Some of them can be considered as belonging to the folk genre. It is worth underlining that the book was written….

Bibliography: Burton, Richard. html Gerhardt, Mia. As for the major dilemma China vs.

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