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Diversity essay topics

Diversity essay topics

Changing patterns of infectious disease. The company offers compensation and benefit plans to its employees, irrespective of their seniority. Patient-Centered Care The author of this report has been asked to answer several questions relating to a survey that was taken and the conclusions or diversity essay topics that can be drawn from the same. The day after I got home, as jet lag dragged me awake a few minutes after midnight, I remembered hearing about the Family Reach Foundation FRF and its work with children going through treatments at the local hospital and their families. One of the strategies…. Cultural competency: A systematic review of health care provider educational interventions, diversity essay topics.

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Do You Know How to Do an Essay About Cultural Diversity? Cultural diversity essay may discuss a lot of aspects and dwell upon a number of cultural diversity essay topics. This article is from the writer of dissertation writing services USA presented to those who usually face difficulties in essay topics creation. The article will be devoted to the cultural diversity essay and possible topics to discuss in the essay. Here are 10 brilliant ideas on cultural diversity essay topics, diversity essay topics. Why not? This is a brilliant idea for your cultural diversity essay, as it is possible to dispute about it perpetually. Such topic shows you as a great philosopher and a knowledgeable person.

It is a great opportunity for you to show your knowledge in the sphere. Conduct a thorough research on the essay writing topic you have selected and use the reliable sources found. So, cultural diversity essay can be devoted to a number of different cultural diversity topics for paper which are not restricted by the ones enumerated above, diversity essay topics. You may check how to write cultural diversity essay examples before diversity essay topics write the paper. Some Best Cultural Diversity Essay Topics - Diversity Topic Ideas - Cultural Diversity Topics for Discussion. Sign in Report Abuse Print Page Powered By Google Sites. Best Custom Dissertation Writing Services USAUK Search web. A Short Simple Guide on How to Write a History Essay.

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Highlight your actions, difficulties, and feelings rather than comparing yourself to others. While it may be tempting to write about how you have been more or less fortunate than those around you, keep the focus on you and your unique experiences, as shown below. I am the first person in my family to even consider going to college. Rather than playing soccer or competing in speech and debate, I help my family by taking care of my younger siblings after school and on the weekends. Speak proper English! In middle school, I had relentlessly studied English grammar textbooks and received the highest marks. Leaving Seoul was hard, but living in West Orange, New Jersey was much harder一especially navigating everyday communication with Americans.

After sharing relevant personal stories, make sure to provide insight into how your lived experience has influenced your perspective, activities, and goals. Conclude your essay with an insight about how your background or identity has affected your outlook, actions, and goals. You should include specific actions and activities that you have done as a result of your insight. Her mother prepared tamales, churros, and Mexican hot chocolate, packing them all neatly in an Igloo lunch box. The following semester, I joined Model UN.

Since then, I have learned how to proudly represent other countries and have gained cultural perspectives other than my own. I now understand that all cultures, including my own, are equal. I still struggle with small triggers, like when I go through airport security and feel a suspicious glance toward me, or when I feel self-conscious for bringing kabsa to school lunch. But in the future, I hope to study and work in international relations to continue learning about other cultures and impart a positive impression of Saudi culture to the world. Going to school regularly was always a struggle: between the unceasing demands of the farm and our lack of connectivity, it was hard to keep up with my studies.

Despite being a voracious reader, avid amateur chemist, and active participant in the classroom, emergencies and unforeseen events at the farm meant that I had a lot of unexcused absences. Although it had challenges, my upbringing taught me resilience, the value of hard work, and the importance of family. Staying up all night to watch a foal being born, successfully saving the animals from a minor fire, and finding ways to soothe a nervous mare afraid of thunder have led to an unbreakable family bond. Maybe a larger public school setting will allow you to broaden your community, or a small liberal arts college has a specialized program that will give you space to discover your voice and identity.

At the University of Michigan Engineering, I want to receive a top-notch education and use it to inspire others to strive for their best, regardless of their circumstances. In addition to your main college essay , some schools and scholarships may ask for a supplementary essay focused on an aspect of your identity or background. This is sometimes called a diversity essay. Many universities believe a student body composed of different perspectives, beliefs, identities, and backgrounds will enhance the campus learning and community experience. Admissions officers are interested in hearing about how your unique background, identity, beliefs, culture, or characteristics will enrich the campus community, which is why they assign a diversity essay. cultural diversity issue of non-American employees communicating frequently in their own native language creating an environment of sensitivity and bias amongst the non-Hispanic community.

Handling Diversity in an Organization The contents of this paper focus on the cultural diversity involving Films ecovery Systems, an American company located at the heart of Chicago, Illinois. The paper takes an insight into the issue and also proposes solutions that can resolve the problem. The most important aspect of the paper is that it takes into account the material we find and read in books and compares to what degree the literature is actually applicable in real life situations. Academic Literature The study of public administration includes a spectrum of many disciplines, which include psychology, sociology, philosophy and also management sciences.

Even though, the nature of public administration does not conveniently classify its elements into components, public administration is primarily categorized to highlight the…. shtml, accessed on: March 31, Healthcare The term health care refers to the inter-related system of care provided to persons during illness. In most of the cases, healthcare begins with the family doctor who refers patient to specialists if needed or directly order further diagnostic testing. Community health clinics perform the same procedure as a family doctor, but alongside with that, clinics also provide insight into patterns of health or illness seen within the community. Hospital just form one part of the healthcare community, as are mostly visited when a patient's condition is more acute and requires intervention by the hospitals high-end staff, since more can be done for him in a hospital rather than in a clinic where he is just an out-patient.

Clinics of various types provide very specific services, such as "pain management clinics" these clinics are targeted for towards people suffering from pain conditions. ehabilitation services also form a needed part…. References DDI Health Care Global Comparison: Leadership Forecast DDI, Pennsylvania. DDI Leading the Past: Preparing the Future. Fischer Culture and cultural analysis as experimental systems. Cultural Anthropology. Greenfield D The enactment of dynamic leadership. Leadership in Health Sciences. Healthcare Administration: Culture, Accounting, And Ethical Issues Cultural Diversity The causes of prejudice Prejudice is described as the generalization of a group of people, based on negative attitudes that stem from stereotypes and non-factual beliefs. Although the reasons for prejudice may vary, Samovar, Porter and McDaniel explain three major motivations: societal pressures, social identities and scapegoating.

Societal sources refer to rules and regulations that may be put in place in a given society to maintain one group's dominance over others. Social identities, on the other hand, are people's connection to their cultures and beliefs. Any groups that are deemed a threat to this connection are treated as enemies and are often at the receiving end of prejudice. Sometimes, different groups, such as gays and African-Americans are used as scapegoats to express anger and discontentment over various issues in society Samovar, Porter and McDaniel, This allows one group to….

References Kazmier, J. Introduction to Healthcare Law. Clifton Park, New York: Cengage Learning Samovar, L. Communication between Cultures 7th Ed. South-Western: Cengage Learning Warren, C. Financial Accounting 13th Ed. South- Western: Cengage Learning. Business of Health Care This study highlights essential facts about health care and health in the local, national, and international health care delivery. Healthcare in the U. stands at crossroads between opportunities and challenges. Both the local, national, and international health systems face common problems in the delivery of efficient, high quality and equal health services. All these are concurrently happening in times when the amount of care delivered exceeds the resource base.

In the U. Consequently, local, national, and international health care delivery systems are facing same issues of service rationing to cut costs due to a decreasing tax base for paying a rising demand and an increasing demand. Similarly, maintaining…. References Garman, A. The future of healthcare: Global trends worth watching. Chicago, Ill: Health Administration Press. Geisler, E. Technology, health care, and management in the hospital of the future. Westport, CT: Praeger. Gibson, R. The battle over health care: What Obama's reform means for America's future. Kolker, A. Management engineering for effective healthcare delivery: Principles and application. Hershey: Medical Information Science Reference.

The shortage of nurses which has been publicized widely and the high turnover rates amongst the nurses are some of the unwanted patterns which have occurred. The dependence of healthcare institutions on the nurse-managers for the retention and recruitment of nurses is steadily increasing Contino, There are a number of routes through which the critical care nurses have become the leaders. Most of these routes don't have any educational or managerial training as a part of the process. There is a need for effective strategies for the care leaders who provide critical care in order to inspire the staff and manage the departmental operations in an effective manner to get positive results.

One of the strategies…. References Adams, J. An evidence-based structure for transformative nurse executive practice, Nursing Administration Quarterly, 33 4 , Advisory Board Web site. Ales, B. Mastering the art of delegation. Nurs Manage. August; 32A, 32E. American Organization of Nurse Executives AONE Nurse Executive Competencies. Nurse Leader, 3 1 , Cultural bias implies an emphasized distinction or preferential status that indicates a predilection for one culture, over another. It is often discriminative, and is characterized by an absence of integration in a group, in terms of social principles, codes of conduct, and beliefs. Cultural partisanship introduces the accepted behaviors of one group as superior, and more valued, than those of another lesser-respected cultural group.

In my surroundings, most of the residents, and hence, patients are white, making us Afro-Americans and Asians minorities, feel different if not isolated. Such deferential factors are responsible for establishing where specific individuals live, and what opportunities are available to them, in the healthcare and educational context Sue et al. Well-documented inequalities in health status of different racial and ethnic communities, in addition to nationally-publicized…. Social Workers These and many more substantive readings from research are listed by the author for assimilating culture-centric education. I would seek to be more sensitive to unaccultured ethnic minority clients.

In addition, I would use discretion in cases where patients of a particular community or ethnicity are prone to certain clinical problems for which I would study the ethnic group and its history in more depth and if certain ethnic groups respond poorly to EBT Evidence-based Treatment. Sue et al. Flows in Health Care Since the government had started the practice of handing over major departments to private sector like health care and education, these areas are now more focused on employing techniques that can draw major profit flow. On examining the three crucial aspects of profit earning such as the number of patients, quality of staff and management, we come to a conclusion that all three areas go side by side and need to be checked upon regularly Michael, The numbers of patients are important, to a hospital; patients are the customers who are taking advantage of the health care services provided by that respective hospital.

Another item that is associated to the number of patients is the type of patients coming in which is directly associated with the services that a hospital is providing at that particular time. In order to earn more profit in this…. References Del. Donna M. Oct Women on the Cutting Edge of Health Care and Research. Ebony, Funtleyder, L. Healthcare Investing: Profiting from the New World of Pharma, Biotech, and Health Care Services. McGraw-Hill Professional. Harry A. Sultz, Kristina M. Health Care USA. Leiyu Shi, Douglas A. Delivering Health Care in America.

Social, Cultural, And Political Influence in Healthcare Delivery Social, cultural, and political inequalities are detrimental to the health and healthcare system of the U. This is because the U. is one of the most multicultural, overpopulated, diverse and undergoing rapid economic growth. The federal government has embarked on efforts geared at addressing unsustainable costs of health care in the U. With the leadership of the current president, Barrack Obama, initiatives of containing health care costs will evaluate and explore strategies to contain the growing costs of health care based on a system-wide while enhancing the value and quality of health care Ubokudom, The apparent system of health care is rife with opportunities of minimizing waste, delivering coordinated, effective care, and improving well-being and health of all Americans.

The government in collaboration with care providers must prioritize cost effective containment strategies with the greatest possibility for political success and non-partisan…. References Albrecht, G. Handbook of social studies in health and medicine. London: Sage Publications. Armstrong, E. The health care dilemma: A comparison of health care systems in three European countries and the U. Singapore: World Scientific. Bale, J. Improving birth outcomes: Meeting the challenge in the developing world. Washington, DC: National academies press. Buseh, A. Empowering resilience: Improving health care delivery in war-impacted African countries: a case study of Liberia. Lanham, Md: University Press of America. Pesonal Values Spiitual Beliefs and Health Cae Policy I have taken up the majoity of values beliefs fom my paents.

I value peace as a citical facto in people's lives. People should show goodwill to othes while tying to limit the conflict unless with absolute necessity. Individuals should have some fom of love within thei life. I believe that loving oneself allows people to adoe to fellow humans. Futhe, showing cae to natue involves engaging in sustainable activities that potect all ceatues. The love fo someone o something and eceiving love in etun indicates a level of espect. I believe that the equality between female and male aspects and evil and good ae integal phenomena. I value espect fo life and embace divesity that the wold offes. Inceased divesity…. references and Health Care Spending in the U. And UK. British Journal of Politics and International Relations 5 4 : LEADING CAUSES OF MOBIDITY: Some of the diseases which often result in early death in African-Americans, provided that the go untreated or undiagnosed, include hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, dementia i.

At the top of the list, there is hypertension, coronary heart disease especially arterial blockage , stroke and some major types of cancer. With hypertension, some studies have shown that if a black male lives in poverty, his chances of being stricken with high blood pressure increases, perhaps because of the stress which goes…. Spector, Rachel E. Cultural Diversity in Health and Illness. New York: Pearson Prentice-Hall. Educational Mission The UNC Health Care System runs a teaching hospital that publishes its mission statement, statement of core values, and nursing philosophy on the organization's Web site at. The mission is stated briefly as: "to be a leader in providing compassionate, quality care focusing on the unique needs of patients and their families.

Those elements include "My patient," "My team," "My Hospital," "My Community," and "My Profession. Furthermore, the nursing philosophy of the UNC Health Care System is outlined as being a reflection of the vision and values of the organization as a whole. The main principles of…. References East Carolina University College of Nursing Philosophy of the college of nursing. htm UNC Health Care System Nursing mission, core values, philosophy. Summary of argument, Hypothesis The role of leadership styles and their applicability to the success or failure of mergers, acquisitions and alliances is the focus of this research.

Any leadership study, to be relevant, must also focus on the needs of those served by the organizations studies. That is why in the proposed Change Management Equilibrium Model have customer-driven processes at their center or core. The focus of the research to either validate or refute the model is based on consistency and collaboration as two factors that also serve to create greater levels of integration between the two or more healthcare providers merging or changing their organizational structures to better serve the market. This market orientation is what many public-ally-owned and operated healthcare providers struggle with, as often the source of funding becomes their "customer" or whom they serve Brinkmann, O'Brien, Studies by AM esearch for example show….

References Abbott, R. An Evaluation of the Precision of Measurement of Ryff's Psychological Well-Being Scales in a Population Sample. Social Indicators Research, 97 3 , Faten Fahad Al-Mailam. Transactional vs. Transformational Style of Leadership-Employee Perception of Leadership Efficacy in Public and Private Hospitals in Kuwait. Quality Management in Health Care, 13 4 , Antonakis, J. The full-range leadership theory: The way forward. Yammarino Eds. Transformational and Charismatic Leadership, Volume 2, p. Boston: JAI Press. Avolio, B. Introduction to, and overview of, transformational and charismatic leadership. xvii -- xxiii. Health Care System Healthcare Professionals Health care providers must be properly integrated at every system level and must be allowed to lead the processes of designing, implementing and operating ideal health systems.

esearch works identify a number of challenges with regard to healthcare personnel integration. Apparent loss of control, status, returns or practice style modifications may lead to healthcare providers becoming discontented. This discontentment can give way to bitterness and, ultimately, practitioners may end up resisting change Suter et al. Capitalizing on current networks, an intense emphasis on patients and informal inter-provider bonds are anticipated to ease healthcare practitioners' functioning within ideal healthcare systems.

Economic integration of healthcare providers, utilization of compensation structures for recruiting and retaining the best candidates, measures for improving workplace climate quality and financial incentives are identified as crucial to system success. Facilities and Supplies Amodel healthcare system would include a standard formulated list of…. References Nelson, A. Unequal treatment: confronting racial and ethnic disparities in health care. Journal of the National Medical Association, 94 8 , Suter, E. Ten Key Principles for Successful Health Systems Integration. Healthcare Quarterly Toronto, Ont. Hanin from New Haven This is an individual with earning disability and takes good care of herself.

She has dental problem where her teeth are rotting. She is an individual who needs some serious work but she is unfortunate that she has no dental insurance. In effect, she is not able to get dental treatment due to lack of this insurance. She has been keen to find help and the last was a dental clinic that she heard about on TV but on follow-up she was informed that they no longer took new cases. From her appearance, this patient is a young African American woman of the age range of between years old. This is a lady who has no employment, in effect she is…. Patient-Centered Care The author of this report has been asked to answer several questions relating to a survey that was taken and the conclusions or outcomes that can be drawn from the same. Within this report, the current practice setting will be describe as well as the patient- and family-centered nature or lack thereof of the organization.

The gaps that exist will be described, there will be an analysis of how business practices and regulatory requirements can impact patient- and family-centered care and there will be a strategy created based on all of the above. While all businesses need to make a profit and while not all feedback is helpful or based on the most good for the most people, cutting out the feelings and feedback of families and patients is less than wise and should never be happening. State of the Practice The basic state of the practice at…. References Ahmed, S. Barriers to healthcare access in a non-elderly urban poor American population.

x Brown, B. Interpreting Medicine: Lessons From a Spanish-Language Clinic. Annals Of Family Medicine, 12 5 , Religious Sensitivity Everyone on the planet Earth has their own concept of religion, spirituality and what they believe when it comes to both. Of course, those mindsets and perceptions evolve and change over time. They are influenced by life events, exposure to religion exposure to others when it comes to religion and so forth. However, most situations and applications do not call for religion to even be brought up or discussed. Even so, healthcare is absolutely an exception to the norm given that many people rely and lean on their faith, whatever it may be, when they face their mortality or other levels of health challenges. While some healthcare workers may be hesitant to use the faith or religion of another as a vehicle to soothe and help them, it is the right thing to do so long as the wishes and preferences of the patient are heeded.

Analysis Many…. And there are always a few racists in any town. But I believe we have a great, open, accepting community. e entertain tourists from all over the planet, and many of them are from ethnic cultures different from ours. They say they feel welcomed here. Q: hat use does the community foundation make of the local AM station KMHS-AM? M: I'm glad you asked. e have learning programs for parents and students. And students make up their own little reports and broadcasts. Topics range from the environment, world news, California news and Coos Bay news. Q: Typically what news items from Coos Bay do you use on KMHS?

M: e interview people who are doing interesting things in town and with businesses. Biologists from the college and local fishermen. The news in this town isn't really very earth shaking. Look at the list of news items on the orld's ebsite…. Works Cited City of Coos Bay, Oregon. Welcome to Coos Bay. Coos Bay, Oregon. Coos Bay School District. Welcome to Coos Bay School District. Retrieved February 2,. cultural diversity issues and its impact on nursing professionals' practice. It assesses a client hailing from a different culture, and employs information derived from the assessment determining and reflecting on health practices and beliefs of the client's culture.

Lastly, nurses' role in the care of patients hailing from diverse backgrounds care is analyzed, and a conclusion is drawn. Client Interview Data Client's health beliefs in relation to cultural diversity The client comes from a family-focused background, in which she plays the role of chief household organizer and attends to her family and their needs. She believes one ought to lead a life of a good and virtuous individual, and support one's family, particularly in times of need. In her opinion, sickness must be tended to, for preserving life. She believes in healthcare professionals and services they offer, for leading a healthy life. She is comfortable having healthcare professionals take care…. References American Nurses Association. Discrimination and Racism in Health Care.

Silver Spring, MD: American Nurses Association. Anderson, L. Cultural Competence in the Nursing Practice. Cultural Competency in the Nursing Profession. Challenges in managing elderly people with diabetes in primary care settings in Norway. Scand J Prim Health Care, 31 4 , H in Healthcare Over time, everything changes. This is truer of some things as compared to others and healthcare is certainly one of those things. Indeed, the last ten years has marked some major changes for healthcare. Among other things, technology has significantly advanced, the Affordable Care Act has been passed and the financial workings of healthcare have become more and more complex and worrisome to many people.

This report will discuss a theoretical clinic that will be set up in a rural setting. While some things in healthcare and human resources have remained unchanged over the years, there are other things that changed significantly. Analysis There have been some…. References Burton, H. Access to Medicare-funded annual comprehensive health assessments for rural people with intellectual disability. Fleming, B. Improving Ethnocultural Empathy in Healthcare Students through a Targeted Intervention. Journal Of Cultural Diversity, 22 2 , 5p. eligion and health have long been linked, and continue to be so in most cultures around the world. In fact, both mental and physical health problems were once believed to have supernatural or spiritual origins, a belief which persists until this day in spite of empirical evidence showcasing the biological and chemical causes of illnesses Koenig, egardless of whether or not religion is a worthwhile social institution, religion, spirituality, and practices like prayer remain central to the lives of most people.

eligion can be inextricably linked with personal and cultural identity, and can greatly inform both medical decisions and health practices including lifestyle choices. There is also a notable link between religiosity and a number of health outcomes including morbidity and mortality rates, proven in empirical studies. The literature tends to support a strong connection between prayer and stress relief in particular, as prayer and religion are widely believed…. References Bearon, L. Religious cognitions and use of prayer in health and illness. The Gerontologist 30 2 : Davis, L. The impact of religion on health practices. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. pdf Koenig, H. Religion and medicine I. International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine 30 4 : Koenig, H.

Handbook of Religion and Health. Oxford University Press. In your outline, be sure to include relevant examples. Your introduction can highlight stereotypes, group biases, or policies. But when it comes to the conclusion, give the solution to various obstacles highlighted in the main body. Read more. apply filters cancel. Most essays are graded by GradeFixer's experts. Sentence Structure. Evidence and Details. Diversity is a concept that considers the many ways we are alike while respecting the ways we are different. When we value diversity we do not try to make all of us the same instead we embrace the differences that make each of us unique Diversity Workplace.

Cross-cultural communication, Cultural competence, Culture, Intercultural competence, Multiculturalism. Diversity comes in numerous forms such as gender, race, age, sexual orientation, cultural, and a lot more. Culture, Foreign country, Individual, Language barriers, Specific language, Wide range of demographics. Global Impact In a rapidly growing globalised economy, workforces that are culturally diverse can help organisations expand their business in global markets. Being able to communicate effectively in different parts of the world is a crucial benefit, as well as knowing how to create relationships Diversity Workplace World Economy. Culture, Different cultures, Different parts of the world, Different viewpoints, Discrimination, Diverse cultures, Diverse employees, Globalization, Sociology, Workforce diversity.

The debate over importance of workplace diversity is not new. It has been in discussion for last 6 decades. Many researchers, academicians, human resource professionals and entrepreneurs have debated about its benefits, negatives, challenges and way forward. The intensity of debate was also linked with Diversity Gender Inequality Workplace. Discrimination, Female, Feminism, Gender, Gender-specific job title, Importance of workplace diversity, Proper management of gender diversity, Sexism, Sociology. In the year , I visited my elder brother in the Americas.

College Education Diversity. African American, Racial segregation, Racial segregation in the United States, Sociology. Racial Diversity and School Performance This particular article is a detailed study of the effects of racial diversity among public schools. Taking into account racial diversity, school performance, and school location, the data of this study is based on public-school fourth graders in the state African-American majority, Detailed study of the effects of racial diversity, Ethnic group, Racial integration, Racial segregation. Diversity in American Education Boser conducted a national study about the diversity gap between White and Black teachers in American education.

The three most prominent results from the data are as follows: a each state has a teacher diversity gap, b alternative route programs Black teachers, Cultural diversity, Minority group, National population, Teacher diversity gap.

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