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Essay about capital punishment

Essay about capital punishment

In the latter one criminal is subjected to a process in which the reformation can be inculcated in the society by pondering on the depth of the situation. During the past, especially the dark ages, sodomy, rape, adultery and incest were considered serious offences and carried the death penalty. However, there are convincing reasons why capital punishment should be allowed. Does the Death Penalty Effectively Deter Crime? In there were a couple ways to measure crime and criminal behavior patterns, essay about capital punishment.

Should Capital Punishment be allowed?

We use cookies to enhance our website for you. Proceed if you agree to this policy or learn more about it. Type of paper: Argumentative Essay. Topic: CrimePunishmentCriminal JusticeDeathCapital PunishmentLifeFinanceSocial Issues. Capital punishment, also known as the death penalty, essay about capital punishment, refers to the legal process that result to a felon who commits heinous crimes being sentenced to death by the state judicial authorities to pay for the wrongdoings that are otherwise considered extreme. The actual act of killing the individual is called execution, while the judicial decree that allows for the individual to be punished this way is called the death sentence.

Capital punishment has existed in nearly all societies since time immemorial, whereby it served to punish perpetrators of serious crimes and those who revolted against the authorities. In the contemporary world, essay about capital punishment, most societies that still use Capital Punishment reserve it for crimes such as treason, espionage and murder. During the past, especially the dark ages, sodomy, rape, adultery and incest were considered serious offences and carried the death penalty. Brutal ways were used to end the lives of those sentenced to death and these included: boiling the criminal alive inside a large cauldron filled with either oil or water, burying alive, beheading using the guillotine, burning the offenders while they were alive and crucifixion just to mention a few.

In this modern day, such crude methods are no longer applied. Historically, Australia featured relentlessly, as far as capital punishment is concerned. Currently, capital punishment is not allowed in the Nation. The last time for a man to face a hangman was in the year Even before the execution, various states had long abolished capital punishment. Most of crimes that were previously subject to capital punishment are now treated with sentences to life imprisonment. Nevertheless, the use of Capital Punishment remains one of the most debatable subjects with proponents citing solid arguments for its use, while opponents similarly postulate solid arguments against this type of punishment. The paper will dwell on arguments for and against Capital Punishment.

First, opponents cite that human life is valuable and authorities that are run by humans do not have the right to sentence fellow humans to death even in cases where they have performed the most heinous crimes. Secondly opponents argue that every human being has an alienable right to life. Sentencing a person to death even if he or she has committed murder violates the God given right to life of that person Goldstein, ; This argument closely resembles the first one but it is argued from the perspective of human right groups. Based on human rights perspective, every human being is entitled to fundamental privileges such as right to life, and that administering capital punishment amounts to worst human rights violation.

This is because the right to life is the most fundamental BBC, Thirdly, abolitionists insist that retribution is nothing other than revenge, which should not be condoned. To the abolitions, two wrongs in retributions do not necessarily add to a right. Essay about capital punishment, according to abolitionists, capital punishment may entail wrongful execution, which would see innocently convicted people executed. They have often given the example that, in 25 states, between andas significant as were relieved from death row when courts declared them innocent Rita, ; As if not enough, abolitionists argue that capital punishment is likely to be a subject of disproportionate minority representations based on element such as race, gender and economic status.

They argue that, for instance, the fact that African Americans account for only 12 percent of the total population have constituted 41 percent of death row inmates and have constituted 34 percent of the number of people executed since However, there are convincing reasons why capital punishment should be allowed. First, on the basis of retribution, capital punishment is morally justified when applied to crimes entailing murder, especially with elements of aggravation such as multiple homicide, torture murder and child murder, as well as mass killing incidents such as genocide or terrorism.

Gertrude contends that failing to administer capital punishment penalty in such cases is what may be particularly unjust. In order to ensure fairness, the punishment must be as painful as proportional to the crime. It would be unjustified to let heinous crime offender live, leave alone incarcerating them. Secondly, capital punishment is necessary because it deters crimes. It is arguable that the best way to deal with crimes is prevent their occurrence, and this is achievable through deterrence. Indeed, essay about capital punishment, various groups have inclined on the perspectives that the best appropriate punishment is that which deters further criminal activities.

For instance, a terrorist who watches an ally being hanged learns a lesson; hence desists from committing the heinous crime. It is argued that for every execution, as significant as five lives are saved, indicating that execution correlates negatively with crime deterrence, essay about capital punishment, that is as more offenders are executed, lesser heinous crimes are reported. Death penalties had deterrent effects in the countries that executed more than nine people as from to implying that deterrence does not come with a few execution programs Shepherd, ; 8. In this regard, there is even the need to increase the number of execution to achieve desirable results.

Thirdly, death penalty should be enforced even if the deterrent effects are uncertain to avoid a repeat of crimes by the same criminals. If societies execute serious crime offender such as murderers, and there happens that deterrent effects are non-existent, the fact remains that the society would have avoided additional murder cases committed by the very criminals Bazemore, ; Additionally, capital punishment could essay about capital punishment as an effective prosecution tool. The threat of death compels defendants to enter the deals essay about capital punishment pleas for life without paroles or life with a minimum of 30 years.

Prosecutors, courts and complainants may decide to spare criminals from execution in exchange for cooperation with the police in searching for still missing persons Kronenwetter, ; 9. In addition, it is cheaper to sentence criminals to capital punishment than keeping them in prisons. Funds allocated for maintaining the convicts could be allocated for other purposes such as helping the needy. In conclusion, it is worth siding with the view that capital punishment is justified. What is particularly appealing about capital punishment is that it is justified based on the principle essay about capital punishment retribution, essay about capital punishment.

There can be no means of serving justice other than based on the retribution. For instance, a man who steals a car should be asked to pay back the car. Undoubtedly, it would be unfair to have the thief of the car punished with a essay about capital punishment of twenty dollars. In the same way, those who murder should be murdered. Those who kill other by the gun should be shot using the same gun. This should also be applicable for other types of crimes. Besides, it also agreeable that capital punishment is morally justified when applied for crimes entailing murder, especially with elements essay about capital punishment aggravation such as multiple homicides, torture murder and child murder, as well as mass killing incidents such as genocide or terrorism.

It also deters crimes, considering that the essay about capital punishment weigh the consequences of crimes. Thirdly, it prevents additional losses of lives, essay about capital punishment, such as through murder by the same criminals. Bazemore, essay about capital punishment, G. Restorative community justice: repairing harm and transforming communities. Cincinnati, US: Anderson Publishing, essay about capital punishment. Arguments against capital punishment. Ethics Guide. shtml Gertrude, E. Philosophical Perspectives of Punishment. Albany: University of New York. Goldstein, W, essay about capital punishment. Defending the human spirits: Jewish law's vision for moral societies, essay about capital punishment.

New Delhi: Feldheim Publishers. Kronenwetter, M. Capital Punishment: A Reference Handbook. Phil, B. Phil for Humanity: The Pros and Cons of Capital Punishment. html Rita, S. Essay about capital punishment comparative analyses of capital punishments: statute, policy, frequency, and public attitude the world over Capital punishment. Lexington Books. Shepherd, J. A Testimony to the Judiciary The Committee, Subcommittee on Crime, Congress, and Homeland Security, essay about capital punishment. We accept sample papers from students via the submission essay about capital punishment. If this essay belongs to you and you no longer want us to display it, you can put a claim on it and we will remove it.

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No imperfect system should have the right to decide who lives and who dies. The government is made up of imperfect humans, […]. Capital punishment is a universal problematic ideology under constant debate. Those that oppose the death penalty often agree that it is immoral for the government to take the life of an individual. They frequently state that the death penalty is a cruel and unusual punishment, but our Constitution would never allow such punishments. It states […]. George Walker Bush, a former U. Chapter 1: Introduction 1. Capital punishment has been used since ancient times. The earliest sign of capital punishment dates back to the eighteenth century BCE. In ancient Babylon, Greece and Asia […]. The Conservatives Concerned Organization challenges the notion that the death penalty is more cost effective compared to prison housing and feeding costs.

The organization argues that the death penalty is an expensive lengthy and complicated process concluding that it is not only a bloated program that delays justice and bogs down the enforcement of the […]. Do you really learn not to be violent from that or instead do you learn how it is okay for moms or dads to hit their children in order to teach them something? This is exactly […]. The death penalty has been a controversial topic throughout the years and now more than ever, as we argue; Right or Wrong? Moral or Immoral?

Constitutional or Unconstitutional? The death penalty also known as capital punishment is a legal process where the state justice sentences an individual to be executed as punishment for a crime […]. Thomas Jefferson and Martin Luther King Jr. meet at a local Starbucks, have a grande Caffè Latte, and discuss their visions of what type of society best supports the pursuit of happiness. They agree on most aspects, but disagree on one aspect. Jefferson and King both have the same views for taxation, education, and crime […]. In , a female by the name of Shirley Crook was found dead in her home. Authorities arrested 17 year-old Christopher Simmons for the offense. They found that Simmons, in conjunction with two coconspirators, planned the burglarizing, kidnapping and death of Ms.

Prosecutors for the State of Missouri were effective in trying Simmons as […]. Death penalty, or capital punishment, are means of legal punishment that have been continuously analyzed and argued. Some serious criminal offenses are punishable by death most often violent homicides where the jury determines that the convicted offender lacks remorse. Capital punishment remains controversial and has been outlawed in many countries. Many countries also still allow […]. This is in large part because of the views many have toward the rule of law or an acceptance to the status quo. In order to get a true scope of the death penalty, it is best to […]. The death penalty has been a source of almost constant controversy for hundreds of years, splitting the population down the middle with people supporting the death penalty and people that think it is unnecessary.

The amount of people that are been against the death penalty has grown in recent years, causing the amount of executions […]. The subject itself has the roots deep in the beginning of the humankind. It is interesting and maybe useful to learn the answer and if there is right or wrong in those actions. The decision if a person […]. Along with costly trials and imprisonments comes the possibility of wrongfully executing an innocent human being — something of which has unfortunately occurred after past death sentence trials. The History of the death penalty goes as far back as ancient China and Babylon.

However, the first recorded death sentence took place in 16th Century BC Egypt, where executions were carried out with an ax. Since the very beginning, people were treated according to their social status; those wealthy were rarely facing brutal executions; […]. Capital punishment is a death penalty that is put into impact for significant wrongdoings. Capital punishment is an exceptionally dubious theme in the Country and all through the world. The United States has been divided by the death penalty debate, there are many supporters, however; there are also many who opposes it. Advocates of capital punishment state it is a vital instrument for protecting lawfulness, preventing crime, and not cost as much life detainment.

The defenders of capital punishment think that revenge or eye for an eye praises the person in question. Capital punishment defenders also feel that it helps comfort devastated loved ones and guarantees the culprits of offensive violations never have a chance to cause future tragedy. In most criminal cases, survivors demand justice for killers of relatives. Many people have faith that the criminal justice system is in existence, in great part, to deflect others from carrying out wrongdoings. Surveys demonstrate that crime is the main concern of most citizens of the United States and the people support capital punishment.

President Bush made the war on crime a major priority years ago and placed capital punishment change the most important item in the fight against crime Hansen, Many individuals feel like capital punishment serves as a marvelous advertiser of criminals that may decide to perform disturbing crimes. Contenders of the death penalty state there is no obstruction impact on crime, wrongly enables the government to take human life, and sustains social treacheries by excessively focusing on certain individuals and people who cannot afford the price of good lawyers. Capital punishment has no impediment impact on criminality, individuals fells this enables the government to take the life of humans. Capital punishment is a weight to citizens economically because the genuine price of operating an execution is said to be times greater than separating the criminal in the penitentiary for as many years as possible.

The practice of accomplishing a decision to hang the criminal is an extensive amount of time since it involves various petitions, thorough events which strain the whole procedure as the suspect can be on trial for many years. The procedure requires a considerable amount of money to assist numerous officers extending from lawyers, judges, clerks, and other officials in court. The general routine of chastisement is worth holding to preserve criminal law even though the practice as a whole may be administered unfairly. The use of capital punishment should be dismissed as it is disseminated unethically, keeping other requirements of criminal law unblemished Brooks, The criminal justice system ought to mirror the ethical opinions of humanity.

Thus, causing the punishment of death on its community entirely disrupts religious lessons on the holiness of life. It can be determined that there are many pros and cons connected with capital punishment however persuasively it very well may be pleased that the cons exceed the pros for example it is consistently satisfactory that life is given by God and no person should make that type of decision. Don't know where to start? Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. Plagiarism checker Do the check. Writing Help Ask for help.

Paraphrasing Tool Paraphrase my essay. Essay examples. Essay topics. The Death Penalty is not Worth the Cost The death penalty is a government practice, used as a punishment for capital crimes such as treason, murder, and genocide to name a few. Why Capital Punishment should be Abolished Capital punishment has been used in the United States for vicious criminals since its inception. Why the Death Penalty is Unjust Capital punishment being either a justifiable law, or a horrendous, unjust act can be determined based on the perspective of different worldviews. The Use of Capital Punishment Capital Punishment is when a person is legally punished for a crime by death. The Abolishment of Capital Punishment Dating back to the 18th century, the death penalty was a punishment used by many across the world.

Does the Death Penalty Effectively Deter Crime? Should Capital Punishment be Allow in Modern Society America faces an ethically instilled dilemma on whether or not a convicted criminal of a serious crime should face the ending of his or her life as punishment. Such issues as moral or scientific can not be decided in a referendum. The question of capital punishment is too complicated and acute, so that it could be resolved without a serious factual basis. In this regard, the discussion of this issue should be completely exempt from emotion and left to experts. Capital punishment has been applied for hundreds of years, but it has not reduced criminality. Since very old period as capital punishment essays state, lots of states and nations have applied capital punishment, frequently with appalling periodicity and regularity, expecting to intimidate prospective offenders and avoid criminality.

But, as the past illustrates, these expectations were for nothing. Violence, becoming the rule in the society, just gave rise to yet more horrible and hideous manifestations of callousness, rage and lust for blood amid people. All the main religious doctrines on the planet concentrate on such ethical traits as humanity, sympathy, concern and kind-heartedness. Such moral qualities most obviously differentiate humans from beasts, even the most advanced. Capital punishment as a concept contradicts such ethical norms and has an unhumanizing impact on persons. Unproductivity of the death sentence is not restricted to its unhumanizing effects on the public. It as well turns away the notice of authorities and citizens from those measures that are necessary to reach actual outcome in the battle against criminality.

Capital punishment is a sign of the politic and civilizing underdevelopment of people. The great amounts of states on the planet that apply capital punishment are oppressive, dictatorial or economically underdeveloped areas that are accompanied by venal practices, high criminality and other depressing features. Those were the most advanced and free states that were the first to reject capital punishment as the most barbarous and morally wrong penalty. There is a tight and firm connection between high civilizational rank and the non-existence of especially inhuman and brutal penalties like capital punishment, torments and so on. In lots of areas life term is introduced as the sanction of last resort and alternative to the death sentence.

The criminal is held in jail for 10, 20 or more years at the expense of respectable taxpayers. The tragedy of this situation is in the fact that relatives or friends of injured persons of the criminal are invariably among those taxpayers. Proponents of this view cite the next reasons in its support: people convicted to life term do not do any work and are alimented for life at the expense of taxes paid by other members of society, including relatives of persons killed by criminals. And no matter how small the sum, extracted for their allowance, is, no matter how insignificant it may become with regard to each inhabitant of the state, a moral problem is on hand. Both contradictors and proponents of capital punishment in the debate of its expediency consider only an individual convicted and rather rarely mention the rights of victims.

Proponents of capital punishment are considering it in the initial place as the fulfillment of the right to revenge. It was the main explanation for capital punishment for the period of ruling of Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union. Capital punishment was legally considered primarily as a way of defense of people from anti-social elements. The uppermost kind of social protection. Thus, in our capital punishment essay we can state that the death penalty as capital punishment continues to cause bitter quarrel: its opponents put in evidence of the risk of judicial error, infringement of a human right to life and other reasons, and proponents say that grounded on the right of revenge, the penalty is acceptable for slaughterers, and capital punishment confirms the right to life by punishing those who most crudely violate this right.

Blog Our Latest News Home Blog. Essay About Capital Punishment: Pros and Cons. Essays on capital punishment usually contain the following points: Reasons of contradictors of capital punishment 1. Judicial errors Nobody has yet managed to produce a juridical service that operates with no errors. The non-existence of disciplining force on prospective offenders The assertion of the disciplining force of the prospect of being sentenced to putting to death on an offender is grounded on the idea of an offender based on reason.

Capital punishment does not provide the decline of criminality The death sentence of the criminal creates the false impression that the public "cleared itself" and that the living of the citizens is under the protection. The expenses of capital punishment are less than for life term It is assumed that the criminal must be executed, as the public, in the situation of life term, will be required to spend money on their allowance. Capital punishment does not involve the societal aspects that give rise to criminality The major aspects that provoke criminality are misery, rusticity, discrimination, psychiatric disorders of a specific criminal.

Capital punishment has been applied for hundreds of years, but it has not reduced criminality Since very old period as capital punishment essays state, lots of states and nations have applied capital punishment, frequently with appalling periodicity and regularity, expecting to intimidate prospective offenders and avoid criminality. The death sentence unhumanizes the community All the main religious doctrines on the planet concentrate on such ethical traits as humanity, sympathy, concern and kind-heartedness. Capital punishment is a sign of the politic and civilizing underdevelopment of people The great amounts of states on the planet that apply capital punishment are oppressive, dictatorial or economically underdeveloped areas that are accompanied by venal practices, high criminality and other depressing features.

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