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Essay on the meaning of life

Essay on the meaning of life

As a result, faith alone provides the possibility and meaning of life. Writing a philosophy essay is by no means an easy task. life's meaning defined by viktor frankl Words: Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Sniveling, she pulled a handkerchief from her sleeve and dabbed at redrimmed eyes. Finding The True Purpose Of Life Essay. Perhaps one of the most important functions that religion has for humanity is that it is able to depict humanity as the most important creature that the Supreme Being or God had created in the universe. Works Cited Doepke, Dale, essay on the meaning of life.

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Home — Essay Samples — Philosophy — Philosophical Concepts — Meaning of Life. We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. Essays on Meaning of Life. Essay examples. Essays on meaning of life fall into this category. To create a winning outline of this essay you have to review samples of similar papers on the internet. You can, for example, write about the popular opinions on the meaning of life in the introduction, make your own consideration on this topic in the main body and present a result in the conclusion.

Then you would have a beautiful meaning of life essay. Read more. apply filters essay on the meaning of life. Most essays are graded by GradeFixer's experts. Through times of misbehavior, jesting and complex trivial situations, I finalized my search and concluded my results ending with the people I consider my friends today. No matter what the problem, the time or the manner presented, my friends seemed eager to help and heighten Meaning of Life. Having big dreams is something my parents have ingrained in me since a young age. They regularly tell me I am capable of accomplishing anything I set my mind to, and I have continually instilled this notion in my life.

As people grow older, they There are many challenges what are Meaning of Life Personal Philosophy. Today, we find ourselves striving to find meaning in our lives by attending university, finding a career, and making enough money to live essay on the meaning of life. Some may say that life is worth living because of this search. Others, such as Albert Camus, claim that our life Albert Camus Meaning of Life The Myth of Sisyphus. Throughout life everyone, no matter their age goes through tough times but our human mentality is to latch onto the negativity in our life. We all need to remember all the positive things, all the compliments we get from anybody in our life.

We need Meaning of Life Stress Yolo Mentality. Frankl, is an exceptional journal, an awesome book, which will give the peruser much to consider, on such an extensive number of levels. I can scarcely envision how it has taken me this long to truly sit down Book Report Book Review Meaning of Life. I know that it might seem funny that I would choose the Nike slogan as a phrase that is significant in my life, essay on the meaning of life. In saying this it Life is not as hard as we sometimes make it to be.

All fingers are not equal and some were born more fortunate than some others, essay on the meaning of life. Bearing this in mind, we should learn to cut our coats according to our coat. Social media has got I apologize in advance if this may become to inappropriate or different. Being myself, a realistic type of guy I often think of these things. I had for the longest time been living a lie, we all do at some point. My lie essay on the meaning of life that I was born in unprivileged home. I was not lucky and nobody loved me. I always compared myself with people around me and saw myself Choices Meaning of Life. Life can feel like a roller coaster ride, and I want you to climb into the front seat, throw your arms in the air, and have fun.

The ups the downs, a minor lyric of the song pretty as the sun by prime circle but Happiness is one of the most desired goals in life, yet for many it seems to be elusive, essay on the meaning of life. Meaning of Life Philosophy of Life. Where did everything come from? How did we get to where we are now? Where do human fits in? Where are the things heading? These are the questions that origin stories of different cultures have addressed for thousands of years. Big History is an attempt However, this idea can be applied The meaning of life is somewhat relative and is based on the culture that one has grown. However, essay on the meaning of life, in modern society, the big and famous social network has described the meaning of life as making your fellow peers feel less critical by reducing them to Meaning of Life Society.

He considers the The Myth of Sisyphus by Essay on the meaning of life Camus is a philosophical essay written in that addresses the question of whether life is worth living through. From the perspective of the author, people share a similar path to the Greek hero Sisyphus, moving a boulder up This book of Frankl which has been translated into Sentence Structure. Evidence and Details. Living deliberately means to live to your standards, to act studiously being aware of everything your actions may cause, and live strategically. Chris Mccandless Into The Wild Meaning of Life.

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Thus, God represents a loving, kind, and good man, but He is also a just man, and therefore, his chosen people must be just and fair as well. They also saw great meaning in all the happenings around them, and felt God was sending them a message to act justly and if they did not, they would pay the price. Justice and morality ensured their stability and so, they maintained the standard of justice and gave it premier meaning in their lives. They understood they must be merciful and just, and that they must suffer, as well. To be the chosen people is not easy, they have to live up to the task, and their meaning and belief in God and justice helped them feel worthy.

Perhaps the thing that most sets the Jews apart and helps indicate their faith is their long-standing reverence for tradition. They have created historic…. Psychology of Happiness and a Life Well-Lived In this paper, I have discussed that happiness as well as morality meaningful purpose are actually the ultimate goals and the true sign of a life well-lived. I have tried to explain how morality must be considered as the most important factor to signify a well-lived life. I have also given the ideas of Aristotle and Plato regarding morality and happiness and have tried to assess the literature on my chosen factor.

If we ask people to elaborate the definition of a well-lived life, we would surely get very different answers. For some, money will be considered as the means to be happy and successful; others may count recognition of peers as the basis of a well-lived life. A well-designed and useful product will be the success for some; for others it can be a beautiful garden. Good relationships would be a mode…. References Aristotle. New York: Cosimo. Original work published Burns, R. On the Foundations and Nature of Morality. Aristotle Got It Right; Well-Being, Not Just Wealth, Should Mark the Progress of Our Societies. Newsweek International, 1. Changing Course: If You Never Take Time to Assess Where You Are vs. Where You Really Want to Be, You Could Be Missing out. Regain Your Bearings and Get on Course for Your Most Fulfilling Life.

And yet, it is an essential activity in the current society. There are ways to approach the profession, however, that help explain its purpose and also allow the nurse to place his or her activities into a context at once useful and conceptual. There are traditions from almost every philosophy and religion that point to the same things; the value of service, humility, compassion, and transcendence all arising out of the desire to do good works nursing and the will to create the skills necessary to do those works. A knowledge of some of these is essential to place the activities of nursing into a scheme that will give the best result possible for all concerned, the nurse, the patient, the patient's family….

Works Cited Bajunid, Ibrahim Ahmad. Barber, Benjamin. Hegevary, Sue Thomas. Database online accessed 19 March Philosophies of Life: Personal and Traditional hen one considers the many aspects of one's "inner life," it becomes clear that most, if not all of them are based upon some philosophical conception. Psychologists have long known that individuals, who have a strong sense of their life's purpose, as well as a spiritual, religious, or ethical viewpoint, tend to live longer, healthier lives. Further, they are less likely to suffer from depressive episodes Hassad, Although each person's individual "philosophy of life" is different, there are some well-known philosophical interpretations that can shed some light upon common attitudes concerning personal identity.

Six famous life philosophies are attributed to Socrates, Freud, Albert Camus, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Muhammad. Although there are several ways in which one can interpret the meaning of life and personal identity, perhaps one of the most useful steps one can take in the process is to recognize…. Works Cited Locke, John. Retrieved from Web site on May 3, Hassad, Craig J. Web site. html Todd, Oliver. New York. Tree of Life is, in fact, a mini-journey -- not through Heaven and Hell -- but through time and space: we witness the creation of the world, a segment of life in Texas, and the Resurrection at the end of the world.

atching Tree of Life is less like watching a film than it is like contemplating and meditating upon the meaning of life itself. As Roger Ebert said, the film is a prayer -- and for that reason, one's engagement with it depends upon one's desire to communicate with the Divinity, whose presence is at the heart of the narrative. The narrative of Tree of Life is another thing that is non-traditional. The plot is non-linear: it flashes through points in time in disorienting ways to show that time itself is fleeting and that only the soul is eternal -- therefore, prime importance should be given to the…. Works Cited Ebert, Roger. Labrecque, Jeff. Characteristics Fulfillment in Life The aim of this discussion to ascertain three of the qualities a person needs so that they can lead a life of fulfillment.

The three qualities discussed will be love, integrity and knowledge. These three traits are part of the essence of being human and, combined with other humanistic traits such as sympathy and passion, these traits separate humans from the other, soulless animals in the world. The first of these qualities to discuss is love. Love is a quality that no life can be without. The ability to build nurturing and loving relationships with another person is integral to our emotional fulfillment. It brings us the greatest joy we can possibly experience. Love can do many things including alleviating loneliness, such as the kind of "terrible loneliness in which one's shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold, unfathomable abyss" ussell,….

References Carter, S. February The Insufficiency of Honesty. Atlantic Monthly, Russell, B. Autobiography of Bertrand Russell. But whether it is suitable for all remains in doubt. An individual searching for a meaningful occupation after college, for example, or who has just lost a loved one and cannot stop asking 'why,' may benefit from the presumptions of logotherapy. However, an individual seeking an immediate solution to a psychological problem of a specific onset and duration may require a form of therapy that is more directed. Individuals who are not particularly articulate about their feelings, or who find the implications of religion or philosophy intimidating might be stymied rather than encouraged to open up with the theory's stress upon philosophy and larger, rather than immediate context of their problems.

Under the most extreme circumstances, Frankl stresses, one can find a will to survive, if one has a reason to do so. For a therapist, he or she must find such a reason within the patient's psyche and life…. Works Cited Frankl, Victor. Man's Search For Meaning. New York: Pocket Books Reprint Edition, After finishing chapter 1 of Genesis it seemed clear that when God created human beings it was with the intention of their purpose being to master and reign over the world. During chapter 2, the clarity of this meaning becomes a bit more muddled. e are left with the uncertain conclusion that God's creation needed regular upkeep and that humankind was put on the earth to make sure that it happened.

Some theologians have argued that the subsequent naming of all of the animals in Genesis suggests dominion over the world through the act of naming. However, in contrast to the explicit earthly authority granted humans in Genesis chapter 1, the "power to name animals" rings a bit hollow. Nonetheless, despite these contradictions between chapters 1 and 2 in Genesis, a rough picture of the purpose -- if not the explicit meaning -- of life for human beings takes…. Works Cited "Genesis. Giving Thanks Broke it. And gave it to his Disciples, saying, 'This is my Body, which is given to you. Historically, at the Last Supper, Christ used bread and wine as a supreme metaphor for the rest of our lives.

Jesus was in turmoil. He was aware of what was about to befall him -- namely, suffering and death. This was the last major lesson he would teach before his arrest following Judas' betrayal. Eschatologically speaking, the above set the stage for the Christian ministry of the apostles, evangelists and priests. Indeed, every Christian is called to give of him or herself for the Glory of God and the Glory of Mankind. The message at the Last Supper was powerful. People have put themselves through…. Constructed Myths and Man's Purpose Since Nietzsche declared that God was dead, science and mankind have begun a twofold search.

Nietzsche's declaration asserted that the need for God in the society's constructed identity no longer existed. The understanding of the times was that the scientific method could break down any problem into is components, and uncover both the purpose and the source of all of mankind's desires, tangible and intangible alike. The accompanying hopes for a utopian society would also be ushered in by modern thought. Modern, logical and rational thought would be able to replace oppressive superstition, religious, and myth of ignorant and uneducated people who used religious beliefs to explain those elements of life which previously could not be understood.

Since the publishing of his work, along with Jung, Kant and a myriad of others, the social sciences have searched to identify the purpose of religious life within…. Resources Barrett, J. Anthropomorphism, intentional agents, and conceptualizing God. dissertation, Cornell University. Keil Conceptualizing a non-natural entity: anthropomorphism in God concepts. Cognitive Psychology 31, European concepts of nation-building. McAllister eds The politics of difference: ethnic premises in a world of power, Traditions as Truth and Communication.

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. As a way of expressing spiritual reality, religion is instrumental in providing humanity a way of converting into concrete form i. Perhaps one of the most important functions that religion has for humanity is that it is able to depict humanity as the most important creature that the Supreme Being or God had created in the universe. That in our attempt to give meaning and purpose in life, we humans subsist to religion in order to validate that we, indeed, matter the most to God above anything else.

This spiritual reality, despite its selfish nature,…. Good Life What is Good Life? The Consequentialism Debate Utilitarian reasoning is regarded as "consequentialist. Utilitarian and deontological reasoning have very little in common. They are similar only in the sense that they both attempt to establish which human actions are appropriate and which ones are not. Apart from that, there is no other similarity. The differences arise in their adopted approaches in attempting to establish and distinguish the right actions and behavior from what is wrong van Staveren, As the term implies, judgments of "consequentiality" are founded on the consequences of an individual's actions.

Here, an action is categorized as right or wrong based on the results of actions. Its ethics have nothing to do with whatever the individual intended to do. Taking an extreme case, assume that I am driving and I notice a person I…. References Adams, R. Annas, J. Baier, A. Moral Prejudices: Essays on Ethics. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Clark, G. Can Moral Education be Grounded on Naturalism? Camus begins his argument with a powerful statement about suicide, noting that it is the most important of all philosophical problems. The question of suicide cuts to the core of whether life has any meaning. If life has no meaning then it only makes sense to end the life, and seek meaning elsewhere. Camus claims that accepting absurdity negates the function of suicide, and renders suicide itself an absurdity.

To commit suicide is no different than perpetuating blind and useless faith in an abstract God. Both acts entail surrendering the personal will. Suicide and blind faith both deny personal responsibility and instead project and expect meanings onto the universe. Camus' argument is self-empowering. Instead of having faith or hope, holding out for the revelation of true meaning, the individual has the…. This is when Silas realizes the larger principle of happiness and welfare. A realization that is confirmed by Sewell, the minister. As a result, Lapham endorses Tom and Penelope's union so that two people could be happy instead of a marriage that would ultimately cause unhappiness for all the parties involved.

Silas Lapham is also forced to face up to the truth about himself when his business begins to flounder. for, this is when he realizes that no man can be an island, and that humans have to necessarily depend on each other for their existence as well as progress. Thus, when he is faced with a situation where his ex-business partner, Rogers, and some English agents are willing to purchase his mill property at a price far higher than its true worth, he refuses to do so on pure principle. This, in spite of the fact that the situation…. Recurring Western Preoccupation One of the most frequently recurring themes in Westernized culture is that of death.

This motif is certainly evinced in a number of forms of literature -- particularly those esteemed to possess literary value -- including Leo Tolstoy's "Death of Ivan Ilyich" and in Henrik Ibsen's "Hedda Gabler. There are multiple deaths in Ibsen's work, whereas the protagonist in Tolstoy's realizes early on that he is fated to die and the proverbial shadow of death looms over the ensuing pages. An analysis of the thematic device of death and its importance in both of these works reveals that it largely functions as a petty escape in Ibsen's text, and is a means to a more profound level of transcendence in that of Tolstoy. There is a point of despair that accompanies both of the deaths portrayed….

Some Ancient Greeks even went as far as to think that women started to have deeper voices consequent to the moment when they lost their virginity King Euripides also acts as one of the principal Ancient Greek scholars who damaged the role of women in his society, given that his writings relate to the role of women as individuals who are generally persecuted by the masses. omen were practically promoted as being responsible for society's problems as characters like Hippolytus put across their opinion concerning females and actually insisted that gods inflicted great damage on humanity through introducing women Euripides Ancient Greeks seem to express no interest in acknowledging the role of women as housewives and mothers and focus on presenting them as useless individuals who spend most of their time consuming and generally having a negative influence on the public.

Hipponax perfectly although he somewhat exaggerates describes…. King, Helen, "Hippocrates' Woman: Reading the Female Body in Ancient Greece," London: Routledge, Scripture The process of studying Scripture usually requires and involves more than reading surface text because an individual has to conduct an in-depth study. An in-depth study of text is a necessary process towards understanding the meaning of a passage from Scripture and grasping it fully. In essence, for an individual to gain a rich understanding of the meaning of a passage from a Scripture from different perspectives, it is important to conduct an in-depth study rather than just surface reading of the text. One of the most important aspects of gaining understanding of the meaning of a text is identifying who or what determines the meaning of that passage from the Bible.

There are several exegetical methodologies and methods for Biblical interpretation that help in in-depth study of Scripture in order to know its meaning. Biblical Interpretation There are different methods of Biblical interpretation that are utilized to help…. life that what once may have been a derogatory word for something may have, over the years, come to mean something entirely different, and in a similar fashion, what was once a term of endearment or something commonplace may have evolved through the years, into something that would have derogatory connotations. World Wide Words For example, when one interviewer asked an American about the origin of the word 'Bozo', he had to refer to a Dictionary, and what he was about to discover amazed him.

This was because of the fact that most Dictionaries tended to avoid the word Bozo for some reason or another, giving a vague and uncertain 'origin uncertain' as the explanation. As a matter of fact, the term Bozo seems to have initially appeared in the year , and one of the first meanings for the word probably meant 'man' or a 'fellow'. Later on, it…. References Is Refugee a Racist Term, Jesse Jackson seems to think so. No Refugees in America. html Accessed 21 September, Still, Goffman's point is, when both members of the team play their roles that send a message that those new people in the audience will now expect to see.

This is "team performance" and in this case, and others like it, each member of the team has the power to ruin the show, or keep it on track, by his or her behavior. This is the "bond of reciprocal dependence" p. In Chapter III "Regions and Region Behavior" there is more to learn, this time about "regions" such as a cocktail party where several couples gather in one room in "subgroups" which "constantly shift in size and membership" People talking and responding to others in regions are actually putting on a performance. Some realize it, some don't. Decorum is the expected polite behavior while in a region. Works Cited Goffman, Erving.

The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. New York: Doubleday Anchor Books. I would incorporate much in the way of nonverbal communication to entice the students to remain engaged while listening to what I had to say. I think the best method of deliverance would be the use of live communication followed up by literature the students would take with them. The use of media, including interviews with other students and their experiences with drug and alcohol abuse would be relevant and useful in this context. Using the Yale attitude changing approach, I would establish credibility by approaching students as a peer and victim of abuse; the messages I provided would allow for two sides of the argument, meaning students could offer their own objections to what it is I had to say.

The messages given would be of support rather than designed to persuade students directly, so I would take a peripheral route to persuasion. Using these methods and approaches will…. References Atwood, K. Brigham Young University. pdf Block, L. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 6 1 : Murphy, N. Appearing smart: The impression management of intelligence, person perception accuracy, and behavior in social interaction. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33 3 : Sociology Psychology. The objective is to impede rumination. In the third stage -- relapse prevention or rehabilitation -- Mr. Thomas will be encouraged to participate in activities such as hobbies that he enjoys, listening to music, socializing, his work and so forth and to move towards increased interest in his work, and other components of his life outside of his depressing domestic situation.

The whole model would focus around prevention and intervention where prevention aims at reducing the individual's psychobiological vulnerability via for instance reducing the stress facing Mr. Thomas by enlisting the aid, for instance, of his children and coworkers whilst intervention seeks to strengthen that same vulnerability via for instance cognitive-behavioral techniques or other depression-reducing interventions. oemtiems, conflicts in commucantion occur inthis type sof stiaution when ethical condudresm are invoeld such as a perosn wishing to die whislt eveyroen else wants her to live on, or the gnawing unceratiny…. Sources Berne, D. Games People Play. Grove Press, Inc. NY: Random House Goulston, M.

Just listen USA: AMACOM Jaffe, C. All kinds of love: Experiencing hospice. New York,. Lives is a film by director William Wyler. The story traces the lives of three soldiers who return home after the end of World War Two. The soldiers' names are Fred Derry played by Dana Andrews , Homer Parrish Harold ussell , and Al Stephenson Fredric March. One of the main themes of The Best Years of Our Lives is how difficult it can be for an individual to adjust to a "normal" life after living a life consumed by combat. The title of the movie refers to the fact that soldiers often lose the best years of their lives to war.

War has the potential to tear apart families. For example, Al is married to Milly, and has two children: Peggy and ob. Although his life seems normal on the surface, it is apparent that like his fellow G. s, Al has post-traumatic stress disorder. He drinks more than he should…. Life captures a very important moment in Chinese history, when the Three Gorges dam flooded an area of the Yangtze. Ancient and traditional villages were wiped away, displacing over one million people and forever transforming the idyllic landscape of this region of China. The filmmaker captures the beauty -- both the lost beauty and the eternal beauty -- of this region. Scenery shots are not the only compelling thing about Still Life, however. This is a film about people. I especially appreciated the filmmaker's ability to blend the stories of the individuals within their natural, social, economic, and political environments.

I care about the people because they seem real, as the acting is subtle and it almost feels as if we are watching a documentary at times. I also like the fact that the film captures the nature of Chinese culture as being very long-term oriented, which is why the…. lives of two women depicted in separate books. The writer explores the way they suffered as well the struggles they went through during their lives. The writer uses each book to show how much of a struggle life can be as one ages through their life. There were two sources used to complete this paper. Authors of literature who want to become successful use their talents to show the reader a story.

Many times the element that makes a book a classic is the fact that the human element become involved therefore the reader gets attached to the story and the characters that are in the story. In the Time Of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez and Searching for Life: The Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo and the Disappeared Children of Argentina by ita Arditti the authors draw the readers in until they become attached to the ladies of…. References The Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo and the Disappeared Children of Argentina by Rita Arditti. In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez.

Plume; Reprint edition August The Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo and the Disappeared Children of Argentina by Rita Arditti. By conducting a peer led focus group the interaction between the participants allows for sharing of stories and experiences and opens up the lines for a deeper, more meaningful discussion. Instead of the participants directing their responses to questions and statements asked of the researcher to the researcher, participants will be able to converse with one another. The researcher will still be a part of the focus group, but his role will not be as prominent as it would be in a traditional style focus group. Instead, the researcher will observe, take notes and steer the group in the right direction if they start to discuss other topics which are not a part of the study.

Conclusion Because this research deals with the dynamics of welfare recipients as opposed to how many people are on welfare, a qualitative approach is best. The only information that could be dealt with…. References Berg, B. Qualitative research methods for the social sciences 7th edition ed. Boston, Mass. gov - America's Children in Brief: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, - Economic Circumstances. gov - Home. asp Lofland, J. Analyzing social settings: A guide to qualitative observation and analysis 4th ed. Gwenn Wilson: Wadsworth Publishing. Murray, C. Peer led focus groups and young people. Children and Society, 20 4 , The beginning of the essay focuses on the formulation of the thesis statement that ensures that the idea of the essay is sent across to the audience.

Therefore, the beginning is the part of the essay that should capture most of the thinking process because it also outlines the way in which the essay would be later developed and constructed. Another part that is crucial in the writing process is the one related to the construction of coherent paragraphs and proper combination of simple yet strong sentences. Importance of training mind to find happiness and meaning of life. The truth of the meaning of life is likely in the eye of the beholder. Some individuals certainly enjoy free will in life.

However, too much obsession with any of this aspect leads to the loss of life meaning. I have also learned that there can be no singular meaning of life to stand for us all, or even any one of us. Baier is the one who takes the challenge of explaining this. Euthanasia and meaning of life. In fact, any form of academic writing is relatively difficult to master. Nagel breaks down the subjective and objective to help us realize what is not actually important and vice versa. The meaning of life essay, consumer behaviour case study pdf, dostoevsky essay prompts, cover letter horticulture position To what extend do you agree with this statement? Life is also about happiness and sorrows. Baier notes that when individuals tend to ask what makes life meaningful they may be.

What is the meaning of life words 6 pages. For others, passion is what brings meaning and value to their life. This is, surely, the ultimate philosophical question. One should say that life meaning is the unity of the following concepts like love, time, sex, beauty, creativity, relationships and thoughts about life and death. The meaning of life may never be definitively known. Jason hucsek, san antonio, tx Life is what distinguishes humans from inorganic matter. Others may believe it is perseverance or love or millions of other things. My purpose of life essay. In addition, people can add the meaning. I have learned of many aspects of life from which one can draw meaning, if indeed such meaning can be drawn. Both meaning and purpose in our personal lives. For some, the meaning of my life is to grow as an individual and to contribute to other people in a meaningful way.

A personal essays on the meaning of life good online essay writing service will always look after you. Philosopher thomas nagel's essay on the meaning of life. Writing a philosophy essay is by no means an easy task. We spend our days making a living, having a little fun and feeling some read more… What is the meaning of life? Life includes hope and survival. Some of the people define the meaning as attain achievements probably around the time they feel the joy of success or the. Nonfiction structure problem and solution Problem. Malaika also contemplates that the different meanings between Islam and Christianity stem from the creation of new religious doctrines in both religions. For example, the Christian Trinity Creed developed as a new doctrine in AD.

Similarly, some subsets of Islam believe in slightly different meanings of life. For example, Sufi Muslims believe understanding the nature of God is the true purpose of life. The IRC says the Christian meaning of life has serious conceptual problems because it fails to teach the same meaning of life in all countries. Similarly, it says Christianity fails to answer how some people can fulfill the meaning of life if they have never heard of its teachings in the first place. Since the Christian meaning of life is firmly rooted in Jesus Christ as the savior some critics also question why its teachings do not explain if the people who lived before him had a different meaning of life, compared to those who lived after him.

Based on these questions, the IRC says the Christian meaning of life is narrow and fails to concur with the principles of natural justice. Nonetheless, both religions believe the purpose of all creation is to show the true nature of God. Overall, this analysis shows that the service to God is a significant part of Islamic and Christian teachings about the true meaning of life. For example, Christians view paradise as a place that does not have any human suffering. This view shows that Christianity perceives heaven as a sacred place, filled with spiritual attributes.

The Fruit of the Gardens will be near and easy of reach. The material perception of paradise presents an interesting dynamic to the Islamic meaning of life because many people already have the material wealth, as promised in the Quran. However, many wealthy people are unsatisfied. People do not only meet such needs through sensual delights and materialism. In fact, people treasure non-monetary things, like family and marriage, because they are important to their lives. Nonetheless, since people are naturally selfish, their needs are often met in an unbalanced way. The above view does not mean that Islamic teachings about the meaning of life are wrong.

This view shows that although both religions may have slightly different views about the purpose of life, they are largely similar. This paper argues that the meanings of life in Christianity and Islam are largely similar. The two religions say the meaning of life stems from the teachings of a central power — God. Islam teaches all its believers to follow the teachings of Allah and live according to his ways if they want to live in paradise Jannah. Therefore, Islam converges with Christianity by recognizing the need for people to draw closer to God and enjoy their afterlife. Comprehensively, this paper shows that the Christian and Islamic teachings of life are more similar than they are different. Arabic Bible Outreach Ministry. Klemke, Elmer, and Cahn Steven.

The Meaning of Life A Reader 3 rd Edition. London: Oxford University Press,

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