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Essay on the french revolution

Essay on the french revolution

If you continue, we will assume that you agree to our Cookies Policy. The French Revolution Within Frankenstein Almost twenty years after the end of the French Revolution, Mary Shelley published her gothic horror novel, Frankenstein, essay on the french revolution, in As a social reason, in France there was a huge hole between the rich and poor. The National Assembly took over chapel lands and offered them to pay obligation. That was the time, when the conception of fraternity had originated in the revolution so that all human-beings could have been consolidated.


By the s, it had a full strength monarch system of government in which the king held absolute power also known as an absolute monarchy, most typified by Louis XIV. The nobles that were allowed to make legislations were corrupt and often enriched themselves leaving the poor or the so-called third estates to lavish in poverty 1. This paper will attempt to compare and contrast the two revolutions, which occurred in andfocusing on their causes as well as the impacts associated with their occurrences. The revolution took place at a time when the French monarchy had absolute power, governing the whole country and implementing high tax due to massive debt caused by wars that King Louis XVI had participated in including the American war of independence.

Its causes were mainly the hard social, economic and political cataclysm that they had and were worsening each day 2. The country was heading into bankruptcy, making life much more difficult; people died daily and were buried in pauper graves, privileges were given to the nobles and the church. This led to a surge in protests involving mainly of the public and their sympathizers in various French cities like Paris, Lyon, Marseille, among others, essay on the french revolution. This saw execution of King Louis amid protest from other European countries that supported the rule of monarchy, and duped France into wars with other states like Britain, which had a constitutional monarchy, Spain and the Netherlands as well as Belgium. This prompted price control in almost all foodstuffs as the Jacobins seized power in a reign of terror.

The national assembly that was constituted mainly by the third estate constituted a committee of public safety, whose days were numbered essay on the french revolution the escalating famine and shortages that faced the country. Besides, workable laws were still in the process of making as they fought to install a feasible constitution. Tax levied by the Catholic Church, which owned the largest land in the country added more injury to already soaring economic problems. The effects were realized but at a price since even though rights of citizens were instilled, ravaging famine, wars and terror consumed the population 3. This revolution took new shift as power changed hands from monarchy, through to the Robespierre, Jacobins, essay on the french revolution, in then to Directory through to when Napoleon took over under Consulate.

Secularism became rampant; innovations, wars, and the restoration of monarchy are some of the results that surfaced 4. Paris alone recorded about deaths in the last six weeks to 27 Julywhen it was replaced by Directory in This brought together representatives, in a bicameral legislature consisting of two chambers, which lasted about 4 years to when it was replaced by Consulate. This revolution took place in Europe at a time when reforms were the main activity, essay on the french revolution. This ended the reinstated monarchy that had replaced the earlier revolution 5.

A second republic was instituted and later saw the election of Louis Napoleon as its president although he went on to establish an empire that lasted another 23 years. The Orleans monarch had been put in place following a protest that saw the July monarch, Charles abdicate his throne and flee to England in This new monarch stood among three opposing factions, the socialists, legitimists, and the republicans. Another problem that caused this revolution was the fact that only landowners were allowed to vote, separating the poor from the rich. The leader never cared for the needs of his subjects as some people were not permitted in the political arena. He also opposed the formation of a parliamentary system of government. Furthermore, the country was facing another economic crisis, and depression of the economy due to poor harvest 6 Poor transport system affected aid efforts during the depression and the crushing of those who rebelled.

It started with banquets as protests were outlawed, resulting in protests and barricades once Philippe outlawed banquets forcing him to abdicate and flee to England as well. Provisional government was formed, in essay on the french revolution was called a second republic. Unemployment relief essay on the french revolution incorporated in government policies and universal suffrage enacted, which added 9 million more voters. Other impacts included reduced trading and luxury as the wealthy essay on the french revolution and this meant servicing credits was a problem. Conservatism increased in the new government with struggles emerging between the classes.

Eventually, politics tilted to the right and this revolution failed once again, ushering in the second empire. The two revolutions had very many similarities in their origins; the first was started out of social and political problems like, unemployment, which was widely prevalent. Similarly, the second was also aimed at establishing the right to work. In both cases, forced protests were used to ensure that revolutions took place and they all failed; the first, giving way to emperor Napoleon Bonaparte and the second ushering emperor napoleon III. In both cases, corruption was rampant as could be seen in the nobles of the first monarchy and the elite who were favored in the second monarch. Financial crisis and expected economic depression was significant in causing the two revolutions.

The impacts were also similar in some ways as there were no stable governments during the two revolutions. The first essay on the french revolution was more radical as it caused terror and war as compared to the second, which was less violent; this is evident in the assault on Bastille, essay on the french revolution. The causes of the first revolution were more founded on the basic rights of the people as compared to the second. The first revolution occurred when there was limited freedom to the public with their rights restricted to one vote by the third estate, while in the second revolution, there were provisional governments that had liberated some of the restrictions like the universal suffrage and characterized by struggles between classes.

The first revolution was the initiation of the revolutions that followed and was characterized with heavy loss of lives during the reign of terror, while the second was characterized by more political and social systems that enforced changes. The two revolutions failed to fulfill all their goals although they made several crucial changes such as universal suffrages, which added 9 million new voters. Many thoughts have considered the revolutions to make a huge impact on British Philosophical, intellectual and political life, having a major impact on the Western history. Some of the sympathizers of the revolution like Thomas Paine among other English radicals shared their sentiment at first, essay on the french revolution, as they believed it was a sign of liberty, fraternity and Equality.

However, when it turned into exterminations and terror, it gave second thoughts to the earlier supporters. It is imperative to note that the revolutions made great significance in the developments of Europe as a whole. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. The French Revolutions: Causes and Impacts. We use cookies to give you essay on the french revolution best experience possible. If you continue, we will assume that you agree to our Cookies Policy. Table of Contents. Introduction Origin and experience of the Revolution Origin and experience of the Revolution Similarities Contrast Conclusion Bibliography Footnotes.

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human rights essay

This equality was further specified in the Declaration of the Rights of the Man and Citizen along with the ideal of liberty. This declaration mentioned that all the humans were born to remain free. They have natural and essential rights to safety, property, liberty, and resistance to pressure. Get a price quote Title of your paper Type of assignment Writing level Urgency Pages Spacing Currency First order only: These constitutional rights of freedom and protection of that freedom were the eventual death of the old regime. They provided the bourgeoisie with the access to the propertied class and power in their administration, previously regulated by the monarch and aristocracy.

The ideal of brotherhood was also presented in the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen Anderson, During the period of the French Revolution, humans were divided on the basis of their race and color. That was the time, when the conception of fraternity had originated in the revolution so that all human-beings could have been consolidated. The French Revolution aimed at creating democratic authorities in place of monarchy. People required significant changes, and they wanted to be represented in the society. It contained a universal land tax that supposed the following: a privileged class no longer would be exempt since the tax reform forced aristocracy to pay taxes.

In addition, it led to the confrontation between the monarchy and nobility. In order to solve the debt problem of the nation, the king and the French authorities decided to summon an Estates General Assembly of the three estates, nobility, clergy, peasants, and citizens. The French population actively and efficiently participated in the new political culture originated by the Revolution. On July 14, , a huge crowd of Parisians reached the Bastille. Humans captured the Bastille and started to ruin it. At the same time, the leaders in Paris generated a revolutionary city government.

A massive rebellion of the peasants against nobles also emerged in the countryside. When a few nobles decided to escape from France, many more followed them in the next years. These individuals were declared as? s, since they emigrated. For many conservative Western representatives, the major philosophy of Enlightenment generated the political and intellectual hubris during the French revolution. Once, reckless Utopians failed in their attempts to create an ideal society established on individuality, rationalism and secularism. The technological factor has had a significant impact on the French Revolution. It revealed the next advances: an invention of chemically manufactured saltpeter that was widely applied for the manufacture of gunpowder being its major component.

Moreover, a creation of balloons applying heated air enabled French forced armies fight more aggressively. The invention and further development of the early telegraph was another technological advance widely used by the central Parisian government and the army. The guillotine was also a significant device that was invented then. This machine caused many waste deaths during that period and, thus, left the majority of citizens in devastation. There is an overall agreement that the administrative and political images of France were entirely varied.

The republic that was based around primarily elected bourgeois authorities had replaced a monarchy promoted by the nobles. He wanted to run from issues instead of facing them head on and he made some promises that could not be kept and had poor decisions. In time of crisis he could not take charge. The French Revolution was a watershed period of social and political crisis in France and its colonies that began in and lasted until the late s. The French […]. The French Revolution brought about great changes in the society and government of France.

The revolution, which lasted from to , also had far-reaching effects on the rest of Europe. The revolution toppled the government, set up a republic, accelerated political strife under Napoleon who conveyed many of his standards to territories he defeated […]. The late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in Europe and later in North America, known as the Age of Enlightenment, was an era of several accomplishments within many areas of reason including politics, science, and philosophy. It was during this long period that the way people viewed the world changed dramatically by questioning authority and devising […]. The French Revolutionary Wars were a series of sweeping military conflicts. They lasted from until They happened because of the French Revolution.

They fought against Great Britain, Austria and several other monarchies that were extremely popular at the time. How it all Started On Apr. The start of The French Revolution began due to the disconnect between the people of France and the monarchy, resulting in one of the bloodiest revolts in history. Economic, social and political conditions in France added to the discontent that was felt by many French citizens particularly those from the third estate. One of the […]. Almost twenty years after the end of the French Revolution, Mary Shelley published her gothic horror novel, Frankenstein, in Shelley grew up with parents who were intellectual radicals Sterrenburg Yet, she was detached from radicalism and opted for a more conservative perspective Sterrenburg She did a vast amount of readings on the […].

In theory, a revolution would be any sort of movement or uprising that causes a change in a social class system, or any aspect of society for that matter. The Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment were revolutionary for Western Europe and the world. This is because they opened up new ideas through philosophy and science. Their characteristics were scientific ideas that contradicted prior religious beliefs. Additionally, the Enlightenment had characteristics that were full of ideas and innovation to improve people and society. A new […]. As the period of Enlightenment ushered into France, the middle class and aristocrats created an uproar within the high social order in France.

Their fight for more power and the hardships of the peasants were just the tip of the iceberg. According to an history editor in the French revolution started as a watershed modern European history when the French revolution ended in the s the Napoleon Bonaparte. This disaster was ignited by an […]. In the 19th century the Europeans were enamored by the exotic culture that they believed was taking place in the Middle Eastern cultures. The Europeans believed that this eastern world was a very eccentric, foreign, feminized and sexualized culture in this far away land.

European artists began to depict this Middle Eastern culture in their […]. The initial discussion will describe in detail the historical narratives and art periods of both monuments. Next, there will be some exploration of some comparisons, as well as some contrasts between the two pieces. Finally, comparing the two monuments contextually, with a more contemporary piece of art there will be a discussion on how all three […]. Napoleon Bonaparte is broadly viewed as probably the best winner to ever live. Conceived the child of a respectable off the banks of Italy, it just took him years and years to ascend to unmistakable quality during the French Revolution, which started in July For the duration of his life he was consistently […].

The individual I have decided to talk about in this paper is Napoleon Bonaparte as it is beyond the realm of imagination to expect to examine French society and culture without referencing his name. Assuming one needs to examine French Culture, it is really imperative to procure information in regards to Napoleon Bonaparte and his […]. Despite the fact that brought into the world in Corsica, he came to France for school at nine years old and afterward joined French mounted guns at sixteen years old. He rose to the position of general, being chosen First Consul of […]. The tranquility […]. Don't know where to start? Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. Plagiarism checker Do the check. Writing Help Ask for help. Paraphrasing Tool Paraphrase my essay.

Essay examples. Essay topics. Causes of the French Revolution The French Revolution was a huge event in European history, one that shaped the way the French government worked forever. The American and the French Revolutions The right of revolutionan idea proposed by Enlightenment philosopher John Locke, inspired and challenged the colonies in America and the people of France to revolt. The French Revolutions Impact on Romantics The French Revolution is undoubtedly one of the most influential events in Europe during the late 18th century, with lasting concepts in politics, culture, and literature. Enlightenment and the French Revolution The main ideas of Enlightenment thinking led to the French Revolution in many ways.

The Great Changes during French Revolution The time of the revolutions brought great changes to what they were focused towards. Economic Crisis Druing the French Revolution The economic issues made by the French kings additionally added to the Revolution. American, French and Mexican Revolutions When it comes to the American Revolution, there was one individual that gave American people an idea of what they should be fighting for. The History of the French Revolution The representatives of the Estates-General met in Versailles on May 5th, The French Revolution and Louis XVI Louis XVI was one of the rulers during the French Revolution.

The French Revolution: Social and Political Crisis in France The French Revolution was a watershed period of social and political crisis in France and its colonies that began in and lasted until the late s.

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