Any type of essay. She walked barefoot for long distance on the streets to look after poor people. How it works. The Hypocrisy of Father Latour Essay. After leaving the convent, essay mother teresa, she went to Ireland, where she started her work in the ministry. She also visited the ill and the poor in the slum families. Know more about short essay mother teresa essay mother teresa students of class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and
Who is Mother Teresa?
Her fame spread far and wide, not because she was a great politician, a theologian or great writer, but because of her rare character; openness and immense compassion. Rarely do people follow their callings as far as religion is concerned. Indeed, her memories will live long in the lives of all people, and in the annals of history, especially those of the Catholics as she practiced essay mother teresa catholic traditions to the letter Moore, essay mother teresa, The life of Mother Teresa will be discussed with close reference to how she exemplified the Catholic religious traditionMother Teresa history According to Schaefer,the parents of Mother Teresa were Albanian. She had five siblings, and they had very comfortable lives, essay mother teresa.
Even though the parents had everything in life, in terms of the basic needs, they were strict in bringing up their children. They were always keen on teaching the right virtues to their children. They taught their children to always be kind and helpful to the sick and the needful in the society Guntzelman, However, she was always inspired by stories which related to mission work and service, essay mother teresa. After she attained the age of eighteen, she joined the Loreto Sisters of Dublin, whose main purpose was to educate the young girls.
After leaving the convent, she went to Ireland, where she started her work in the ministry, essay mother teresa. She had a rare essay mother teresa and unwavering commitment, essay mother teresa. She got the name Teresa from famous saints, essay mother teresa, Therese of Lisieux and Teresa of Avila. She went to a high school in Calcutta, where she taught history and geography. According to her, this was her first calling Guntzelman, After getting the full consent of her archbishop, she trained as a nurse so that she could be in a better position to serve the poor in the streets and slums. Throughout all her life, she led an exemplary life of a Catholic faithful, as she demonstrated all the virtues that the Catholics are supposed to follow as dictated by the Holy Bible Guntzelman, All human beings are supposed to care for their neighbors and the environment at large.
This is what God told Adam during the creation time, that he was supposed to be the sole guardian of the world. Therefore, man and woman were supposed to take the place of God as far as creation essay mother teresa concerned, essay mother teresa. The Catholics believe that they should act responsibly. When they do so, they are following the will of God. The role is to make the essay mother teresa of all the other people beautiful through love. They have to combine faith and reason. Both of essay mother teresa have to be used so as to make the creation beautiful, essay mother teresa.
PrayerThe Holy Bible in Luke states that Jesus woke up the disciples when they were asleep in the Garden of Gethsemane. This is one of the Catholic beliefs as far as their religious life is concerned, essay mother teresa. Prayer is a close communication with God, and therefore should be done constantly. Mother Teresa was very obedient as far as this command was concerned. She prayed constantly for over twenty four hours per day. Through prayer, all the followers of Christ fall in love with him more and more. She demonstrated the real essence of prayer: that it is not only a make up of many words, but the desire and fervor essay mother teresa connect a person to Jesus. According to the Catholic tradition, prayer without love is useless. One is not supposed to make very long prayers which are drawn out, but rather, short prayers which are full of love.
It is the responsibility of a catholic faithful to pray for all those people who are weak to pray on their own, like the sick in the hospital. This is exactly what Mother Teresa demonstrated throughout her life in the ministry. Mother Teresa prayed for all the suffering people in her life of service. Throughout her life in the convent, she devoted most of her time in prayer. Every morning, she would spend considerable time praying so that she could reconnect with God. This was necessary as her prayer helped her to touch the heart of God. LoveMother Teresa left her first calling as a high school teacher and started working with the poor all over the world. She even forgot her family and dedicated all her life to God. When she went to Ireland, she never went beck to her family.
She decided to leave her well to do family and led a very shy, quiet and lowly life. She worked with the Indian communities, where she even demonstrated her love for this community even in her dressing, as she wore a simple plain sandals and a white sari. Throughout her lifetime, she lived in a small hovel in Calcutta. Her love is further demonstrated by how she taught the children from the slums. Since she did not have the equipment that was needed in school, she devised creative methods of teaching, where she wrote in the dirt. The children as a result became literate, essay mother teresa. Essay mother teresa also visited the ill and the poor in the slum families.
She made frequent visits around the shacks, enquiring about the needs of the people Guntzelman, These actions were guided by love, which is a very strong Catholic tradition, dictated by the holy bible. According to the Catholic tradition, love is a virtue which should be demonstrated by all. Be kind to each other. According to Mother Teresa, Jesus came into the world for one sole purpose, to bring the good news to the poor. He died for the sins of mankind. He came to teach the tender love of God. The greatest commandment is that of love. The first on is the love of God, where one should love Essay mother teresa with all his heart, soul and mind. Love is a fruit which should be within the hands of everyone, and all people essay mother teresa gather without any limit, essay mother teresa.
ForgivenessOne day, as mother Teresa was working in debris, she came across a woman essay mother teresa was suffering from a fever. She was ill, so much so that she was saying her last prayers. She tried to talk to the woman so that she could forgive her son. After a long talk, the woman finally agreed to forgive her son. Mother Teresa felt that this was indeed a genuine feeling of forgiveness. Forgiveness is an act of love, as mother Teresa demonstrated by urging the woman to forgive her son. This is a strong Catholic tradition, which is followed by the religious faithful to the letter. The Catholics believe that Christ wants each and every one of us to love one another trough forgiveness, regardless of the pain that we have gone through.
After all, Christ came into the world so as to rescue man from sin through getting the forgiveness that we deserved. Faith The holy bible has a lot to say in regard to faith. In order for all people to love, they have to be strong in their faith. There must be a way to show love through sight and touch. Faith in action is through service and prayer. The Catholics believe strongly that faith essay mother teresa action is dead. Mother Teresa gives an example of a young French girl who demonstrated faith. She went to work in a home for dying destitute and came back to Mother Teresa with a lot of joy in her heart.
She stated that she had found Jesus, and even went for Holy Communion after she found Jesus. She meant that she had found a lot of satisfaction through serving the needy in the society. In this way, she had demonstrated her faith, and revealed that action is necessary for all people. Catholics major beliefsAll Catholics in the whole world believe and profess one common faith. They have seven sacraments, which are shared by all people. They believe that the presence of Jesus in any situation is brought by the Holy sacrifice of the Mass. Additionally; they believe that saint peter was succeeded by the pope in Rome, and therefore respect him. Lastly, they believe deeply on the interpretation of scripture, and strictly following what the scripture states. All Catholics who follow these to the letter are considered as holy Open Site, Mother Teresa demonstrated all these characters in essay mother teresa life of service.
She made sure that she had participated in all the sacraments of the Catholic Church. Additionally, her essay mother teresa to the poor and all the services she gave was a symbol of love. She also respected the Pope and all those who served under him. In fact, before she left the Convent Sisters, she first had to seek for permission from her Archbishop. All in all, all what she did was a real demonstration of the scriptures, which revolve around the greatest commandment as stated by the bible, love one another with ones heart, soul and mind Open Site, ConclusionClearly, mother Teresa is a public figure who was unique, essay mother teresa, and will forever be remembered, more so by the followers of the Catholic beliefs and traditions. Majority of the Catholics adore her, and that explains why so many convents and homes are named after her.
She not only demonstrated the real catholic tradition, but also essay mother teresa a lot of joy in following it. The same way essay mother teresa was faithful to her God and His teachings, all the Catholics are supposed to follow suit so as to live self-fulfilling lives. ReferencesGuntzelman, J. Who was blessed Mother Teresa? No Greater Love. California: New World Library.
a special person essay
At the age of 18, she left her home town and got associated with Loreto Sisters- who were Irish nuns in Rathfarnham, Ireland. She received her training in Dublin and Darjeeling and took her first religious vow in the year It was a Roman Catholic religious team of worshippers that have the prime objective to serve humanity and to help the hungry, homeless, naked, and unprivileged people. Mother Teresa was truly dedicated to uplifting the society and helping the people. She received many awards and accolades for the same. She died on September 5, , in Calcutta, West Bengal. People all around the world admire her inner beauty and charm and she is still alive in the hearts of people.
My Mother Essay. Mother vs Father Parenting — Are Mothers Better Parents Than Fathers. Your email address will not be published. Search for:. Mother Teresa Essay Read mother teresa essay in English language in words. Knowledge is Power Essay ». In India Mother Teresa started working as a teacher. The objective of the mission was to take care of those people who had nobody else to care about them. Mother Teresa lived by the words of Jesus Christ, and therefore believed that a life of a person has to be devoted to helping and serving other people in need.
Our company finds it necessary to mention in this essay on Mother Teresa that the woman was the one to open the first home for dying people. This establishment was the place where they could die with dignity, at least knowing that someone cared for them. Some critics of this institution claimed that lack of medical attention and refusal to use pain killers resulted in the very hard last moments of life for the patients. But others would argue that the home gave neglected people the sense of their significance in this world, even if closely before their deaths. By the way, this trend was supported in other countries as well.
By , the number of missions in operation all over the world had risen up to They enlarged their range of activities and started offering help to orphans and people suffering from terminal diseases. Mother Teresa never considered a religion as an obstacle to helping others. Neither did she promote conversion to her faith, allowing people to live as they thought it was necessary according to their religion. She herself was an ardent Catholic and was strictly against abortions, divorces and death penalties. In our essay Mother Teresa is an outstanding person who had a considerable impact on society.
So it is no wonder that her activity was recognized worldwide. Various essays on Mother Teresa tell that over the last 20 years of her life the woman suffered from different problems with her health. However, she never gave up her mission of serving people in need. After her travel to Rome, New York and Washington, Mother Teresa went back to Calcutta. And there the woman spent the last moments of her life. It was the year of Mother Teresa leaved to the world 10 unique commandments, which are meant to reveal the genuine sense of life.
Among them we can find calls to forgive people, express your inner kindness, struggle to achieve success even through difficulties, pray to God and other wise pieces of advice. If you experience difficulties or cannot decide what to do, try to follow the words of Mother Teresa. This woman literally changed the world by helping sufferers. Numerous shelters, hospitals and leper colonies cropped up around the world only thanks to her efforts. Most Mother Teresa essays point out that she changed the world to the best, but they tend to omit the fact that in her diaries the woman admitted being very unhappy.
Although she constantly prayed to God, deep in her soul she doubted his existence. Mother Teresa sacrificed her life for the sake of others. And this mere fact is completely enough to make her a hero in our eyes. So, in this short biographical post on Mother Teresa, we found out that the woman was a Catholic nun who devoted her life to serving other people.
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