Friday, January 21, 2022

Essay on me

Essay on me

Universities, colleges and other institutions of higher learning are highly coveted. Categories: Free Essays and Essay on me Papers. Free Essays and Research Papers Human Rights Violation Essay Sample, with Outline Do My Essay! I wanted to check why buttons and commands were obeyed by a mere machine. My Journey to Today About Me English Language, essay on me.

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Special offer! Promo code: SAVE Universities, colleges and other institutions of higher learning are highly coveted, essay on me. Hundreds of thousands of students send their applications every year, essay on me, but only a few get admitted. Those who receive admission letters to their preferred schools have more than just academic performances and GPA to show. They have special personality, social and physical abilities that make them better than those whose applications are dropped. To sieve out the large number of applicants, these colleges normally require students to write up an essay about what makes them unique.

It is what makes you special that will help you beat other competitors for place in the school. You need to explain how you stand out: it must, of course, be in a positive way. For instance, it could be that you are a talented athlete, essay on me or leader. Colleges need people with essay on me talents to market their name. Few people know how they are special. If you are the type that is quiet in class, finishes assignments on time and has an ordinary life, it may not be easy to realize how unique you are. However, everyone is indeed peculiar. If you want to write up the best essay, essay on me, be sure to ask yourself some questions.

The answers will lead essay on me to who you really are. Here are a few issues to consider. Perhaps you essay on me like to see who am I essay samples? Order Now We will write a custom essay on what makes you unique specifically for you. For me, being special is a state of having distinct qualities from other people, essay on me. This could be based on personality, beliefs, standpoints, or interests. Well, there has been more than forty presidents in America, but; Abraham Lincoln stands out as the one who freed slaves. I may be living with albinism but my uniqueness is way more than skin-deep. I have a great passion for people and knowledge, and that may summarize why I am applying for a law degree program at Yale University.

First, Essay on me have a great motivation towards justice. I dislike seeing people make others suffer. I have had to live with albinism myself, essay on me this may have been an indelible inspiration. Yet, I was raised in a well-off elite family, but this only gave me a taste of both worlds. As a person with firsthand experience, I know how to be on both sides of the scale, essay on me. And this has helped me to understand that I need to put myself in the shoes of the offender as well as the victim before passing a judgment. Instead, I want to help them realize how wrong it is and possibly use the chance to change the society. As Dr, essay on me.

Martin Luther King Jr. Second, I have a heart for volunteering. Growing up, I was trained that work is not a punishment but rather, a way of playing a part in making the society and the world in general a better place. This has enabled me to take part in almost every volunteering chance I ever got. The majority of these camps had little to do with law, but I liked them because they provided the opportunity to interact and help people. Third, I am greatly enthusiastic about sports. I love long races. Well, sometimes — actually most times- organizers tend to insist that I should run in the People Living with Disability special sports category. But, I always desist from that. Honestly, the only difference between me and other people is my absence of melanin. In fact, I have several medals from my high school where I was the reigning champion for two years.

I hope to impress at the NCAA and possibly soar to greater heights in future. Well, I am unique in so many ways that a word essay cannot possibly contain each of them. I hope to push forward and become a grandmaster soon. My character revolves around being an open, analytical minded person who leads from the front. Essay on me believe Yale University will find me a valuable student, essay on me. Being unique encompasses the beliefs, character traits, and even physical attributes of a person that make him or her different from other people.

First, I am an year old girl with a great passion for computers. I was raised in Dallas, Texas, where we live with my Essay on me and step mother. Since then, dad and our step mum have been the pillars of our life — my two elder brothers and I. The whole experience has taught me to be a person who appreciates life. I have a passion for other people and I believe anyone can be the best they want to be as long as they are dedicated to it. As a matter of fact, this is my major mantra in life; that I can achieve all my life dreams as long as I am committed in pursuing them. I guess growing up with the boys gave me the urge to be daring.

We had several video games and dad bought us a play station, probably to make us leave his computer alone. However, I still had a strong desire to know how the computer worked. I wanted to check why essay on me and commands were obeyed by a mere machine. My life has always revolved around this issue. I want to know the science behind one of the greatest inventions in the history of the universe: the computer. In this quest for knowledge about computers, I have gone extra miles. Yes, at the age of 10, I touched a bare wire and the next minute, I was receiving medical services at the hospital.

Interestingly, and perhaps surprisingly, that did not stop me. Eventually, he gave up on separating me from this strong passion, essay on me. I was maverick, literally, and I essay on me that sums up my desire for this course. It felt odd for them as they believed that I had misplaced hobbies. They believed that coding and computer repair was for men, and I felt an urge to challenge that. Well, I guess I won that argument so essay on me times that they just called me the comp girl. It was me they always called when they needed a quick fix or troubleshoot. And I happily did that. It reassured me that I was on the right path to realizing my dream of becoming a computer wizard. I have unquenchable love for camping and swimming, as well as football.

However, I have interacted with several people at school, church, and other fora. I love children, and I intend to use the knowledge I gather from the university to create a functional app for taking care of them. Everybody is unique in their own way and so am I. I feel that what has had the most impact on who I am today is being brought up in a God-fearing family. Throughout my childhood till now, I have heavily relied on my family for support in whatever decisions I make. My culture is based on three essential tenets: good thoughts, good deeds, and good words.

In line with these tenets, I always try to do good things to other people and do my best in my own life endeavors in order to achieve the best of results. I particularly try to do well in my academics since I saw right from my childhood the many opportunities and doors one can access through good education. For me, education is the ultimate equalizer for all humans. Even though I am not very intelligent or highly talented, I am a very hardworking person. In high school, I used to be among the essay on me in memorizing and understanding texts. While some students only needed to be taught the basics of lessons in order to start understanding the concepts, it took me a lot of time to understand them.

Out of my spirit of hard work, I would sit down with my books after class and carefully study all the concepts that I found challenging to understand. In other terms, I have the essay on me that what I cannot achieve through intelligence, I can achieve through sheer hard work. Besides being a hardworking person, I am a humble and respectful person who never loses hope in life. I like telling everyone the truth while according them due respect irrespective of whether they are my elders or my juniors in terms of age. This is because as the old adage goes, truth sets people free and thus it pays to avoid lies which often turn out to be costly, essay on me.

My humble attitude in relating with others has enabled me to earn respect from everyone I interact with. In addition, I never lose hope no matter how physically or mentally poor a situation might make me essay on me be. Instead, I normally make efforts to achieve my dreams by utilizing my strengths and accepting my weaknesses but never giving them a chance to bring me down. To me, a hopeful person is already a successful person! Finally, I am blessed with a sensitive spirit and I do jump into action whenever there is need to stand up for righteousness, especially that involving people. I am a staunch Christian who lives by Christian virtues and believes that no human should be exposed to injustice.

This is why whenever I see a person suffering unjustifiably; I would go to any possible lengths to help them seek justice. I am also hospitable to people regardless of where they come from because I believe that guests bring good fortunes and the best thing to do is to welcome them warmly. This is because being receptive to evil is in itself evil, essay on me.

obedience to authority essay

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Home About Me. Essays on About Me We found free papers on About Me. About Two Years Ago About Me. My Dreams and Goals Essay About Me. Why I Want to Be a Dentist About Me. What Has Psychology Taught Me About Me Psychology. Only certified experts. My Journey to Today About Me English Language. I can say that I am a responsible and a hard-working student. Moreover, being a sociable person , I have many friends since I like to communicate with people and get to know new interesting individuals. I enjoy my time at school : it is really nice to study, the students are very friendly and ready to help. The atmosphere cannot but make me want to go there every time. I like to receive and deal with challenging tasks. I am a very enthusiastic student and I think this is a strong point of mine.

My friends say that I am a very funny and an interesting girl with a good sense of humor. As soon as I meet new people who are happy to meet me, I feel extremely comfortable with them. I believe that friendship is one of the most important values in human life. We exchange new ideas, find many interesting things about each other and experience new things. I appreciate friendship and people who surround me. Meeting new people who support all my efforts to grow and develop my skills not only in the subjects but also in my hobbies gives me a lot of energy.

Many of those friends who surround me now I met on the street while doing my hobby. I decided to take beautiful pictures of accidental people and share these photos with them by emails or in social media. I feel happiness inside seeing how happy they are looking at the pictures where they are walking or sitting somewhere in the park. In this way, Liza became my best friend and we both believe that we meant to meet because she studies the same classes and we have similar life goals. I believe that it is manifesting day by day and I feel even more responsibility for what I do and where I go. The main line should be that you are not a robot, and that it is your feelings and emotions that define you as a personality.

Do not get stuck with material possessions and what you have achieved in life. That has to do only with a small portion of who you are. Avoid overly simplified ideas. You are a human being after all, and your life is not as simple as it may seem after years of school. The more substance you create out of your daily activities, the better. Longer sentences will be good. Include a few dream-like paragraphs to stress the point that you are not a robot. First, I am an year old girl with a great passion for computers. I was raised in Dallas, Texas, where we live with my Dad and step mother.

Since then, dad and our step mum have been the pillars of our life — my two elder brothers and I. The whole experience has taught me to be a person who appreciates life. I have a passion for other people and I believe anyone can be the best they want to be as long as they are dedicated to it. As a matter of fact, this is my major mantra in life; that I can achieve all my life dreams as long as I am committed in pursuing them. I guess growing up with the boys gave me the urge to be daring. We had several video games and dad bought us a play station, probably to make us leave his computer alone. However, I still had a strong desire to know how the computer worked. I wanted to check why buttons and commands were obeyed by a mere machine.

My life has always revolved around this issue. I want to know the science behind one of the greatest inventions in the history of the universe: the computer. In this quest for knowledge about computers, I have gone extra miles. Yes, at the age of 10, I touched a bare wire and the next minute, I was receiving medical services at the hospital. Interestingly, and perhaps surprisingly, that did not stop me. Eventually, he gave up on separating me from this strong passion. I was maverick, literally, and I guess that sums up my desire for this course. It felt odd for them as they believed that I had misplaced hobbies. They believed that coding and computer repair was for men, and I felt an urge to challenge that. Well, I guess I won that argument so many times that they just called me the comp girl.

It was me they always called when they needed a quick fix or troubleshoot. And I happily did that. It reassured me that I was on the right path to realizing my dream of becoming a computer wizard. I have unquenchable love for camping and swimming, as well as football. However, I have interacted with several people at school, church, and other fora. I love children, and I intend to use the knowledge I gather from the university to create a functional app for taking care of them. Everybody is unique in their own way and so am I. I feel that what has had the most impact on who I am today is being brought up in a God-fearing family. Throughout my childhood till now, I have heavily relied on my family for support in whatever decisions I make.

My culture is based on three essential tenets: good thoughts, good deeds, and good words. In line with these tenets, I always try to do good things to other people and do my best in my own life endeavors in order to achieve the best of results. I particularly try to do well in my academics since I saw right from my childhood the many opportunities and doors one can access through good education. For me, education is the ultimate equalizer for all humans. Even though I am not very intelligent or highly talented, I am a very hardworking person. In high school, I used to be among the last in memorizing and understanding texts.

While some students only needed to be taught the basics of lessons in order to start understanding the concepts, it took me a lot of time to understand them. Out of my spirit of hard work, I would sit down with my books after class and carefully study all the concepts that I found challenging to understand. In other terms, I have the belief that what I cannot achieve through intelligence, I can achieve through sheer hard work. Besides being a hardworking person, I am a humble and respectful person who never loses hope in life.

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