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Same sex marriage essay topics

Same sex marriage essay topics

Winter, B. Neither religion nor believes of Christians matter, this is progress for LGBTQ, same sex marriage essay topics. To discriminate married and unmarried couples? It is important to note that sexuality involves the body of the person, mind and their spirit. Related Posts. Or at least, we would like to think so. Jane Doe A major shift has been occurring not only in the legal arena, but also from a sociological stand point.

Politics: Yesterday, Today, And Tomorrow Critical Thinkings Example

Home Social Science Sociology Same Sex Marriage. Essays on Same Sex Marriage. On June 30, in Marikina, a city in the Philippines, a LGBTQ march took place. United States v. As Americans, we love our freedom. We claim to be the land of the free because men and women are free to do as they please and have freedoms that many same sex marriage essay topics countries same sex marriage essay topics not. Many immigrants dream of coming to America because we have a government that does not seek to control what people do or say. Or at least, we would like to think so. It is the job of the government to protect the rights of its… For centuries, marriage has been in collective custom for countless individuals even before government regulation, same sex marriage essay topics.

So why and how did the government get tangled into the marriage in the first place? What authority do they have to sanction marriage? To define and redefine marriage? To endorse it? To regulate a private, intimate relationship? To discriminate married and unmarried couples? What role do states have in the bedrooms of the nation? Before the government was involved, marriage was commonly acknowledged by… Save time and effort. Get incredible results with the help of our writers. In the event that these supposed Christian pastry specialists possess a open business they can't readily dismiss somebody essentially in light of the fact that they don't care for their sexual introduction, this is separation and has literally nothing to do with religious opportunity.

On the off chance that Christian cooks were tied in with ensuring their religious convictions, they would likewise dismiss any individual who is certainly not a Christian. That implies they shouldn't heat cakes for nonbelievers, Muslims,… The financial meltdown of showed that there are no limits to human greed. Masterpiece Cake Shop v. Colorado The Masterpiece Cake Shop v. Colorado case deals with religious rights in a big way. The freedom to exercise your religion is an important topic because everyone should be able to have that right.

A same-sex couple walked into a shop to buy a wedding cake. The owner did not agree with same-sex marriage because of his religious beliefs. In Same sex marriage essay topics, they did not legalize same-sex marriage at that time. A lot of times during… In most places you go you are likely to see people of the same sex holding hands or showing public display of affection towards each other. In a large number of places around the world same-sex relations are publicly displayed in movies, music videos, commercials, schools, same sex marriage essay topics, and even churches, Sooner or later will same-sex marriage be legalized globally? Same-sex relations have been occurring for many years around the world, but same-sex marriage has just become legal in recent years.

Gay Marriage Marriage Same Sex Marriage. Same Sex Marriage Essay IntroductionI. Introduction Persons acquire special duties on account of their moral and legal relationship to another. One such relationship is established in marriage. Marriage is a moral and legal contact between a man and woman. It is a moral contract because it is entered into by both parties, giving free and voluntary consent. It is a legal contract because it is solemnized in accordance with the law. Marriage is an important institutional element of the family. Family Health Life Marriage Same Sex Marriage Sex. A2 same sex marriage Gay marriages have been one of the hottest and controversial topics in our society. There are still problems concerning this issue of homosexuality and gay marriages.

Same sex marriages are legal in Hawaii, but in all other states couples must be of the opposite sex to form a marriage. We've found 10 essay examples on Same Sex Marriage. Any subject covered. Hire Writer, same sex marriage essay topics. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible, same sex marriage essay topics. Get Your Job Done By a Professional Skilled Expert. Money Back Guarantee.

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The couple doesnot necessarily need to be of the opposite sex,the love the couple have for one…. Same sex marriage is known as a marriage between two persons of the same biological sex or gender. It is one of the most controversial yet sensitive topics that have been discuss around the world. Politicians are having debates on this subject trying to decide whether it should be legal for same sexes to…. In case you can't find a relevant example, our professional writers are ready to help you write a unique paper. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best match. Home Society Social Issues Same Sex Marriage.

Essays on Same Sex Marriage We found 17 free papers on Same Sex Marriage. Pro Same Sex Marriage Marriage Same Sex Marriage. Debates Around Theme of Same Sex Marriage Same Sex Marriage. Same-Sex Marriage Argumentative Marriage Same Sex Marriage. Same-Sex Marriage: Necessity Marriage Same Sex Marriage. Only certified experts. Perspectives on Same-Sex Marriage Marriage Same Sex Marriage. Legal Recognition — Same Sex Marriages Marriage Same Sex Marriage. Constitutionality Of Same Sex Marriage Constitution Marriage Same Sex Marriage. Should Same Sex Marriage Be a Constitutional Right? Constitution Marriage Same Sex Marriage. Same Sex Marriage — Casual Sex and Cohabitation Same Sex Marriage.

Same Sex Marriage Affirmative Side Marriage Same Sex Marriage. Hi, my name is Amy �� In case you can't find a relevant example, our professional writers are ready to help you write a unique paper. Read more Belief Social Issues Love Relationships Society LGBT Marriage Gay People Church Christians Gay Marriage 5 Pages Gender And Sexual Orientation Course Work Gender refers to the range of characteristics of masculinity and femininity. Depending on the context, the defining characteristics range from social roles to sex and gender roles to gender identity. It defines the socially constructed roles, activities, behaviors and attributes that are deemed appropriate for both men and women. On the hand, sexual orientation refers to a pattern of attraction usually, sexual, emotional, romantic or combination of all these to an opposite sex, same sex or both sexes and the genders that associate with them.

Read more United States Students Community LGBT Women Social Issues Sociology Politics Democracy Men Society Masculinity 5 Pages Same-Sex Couples And Adoption Report Marriage equality persists to a be a herculean concern for many individuals in the homosexual community despite the fact that heterosexual officials and denizens critique the notion of marriage equality, as it continues to elide the litany of concerns revolving around the issue. Many homosexual families believe that the issue of marriage equality will lay the foundation fr establishing the rights for gay couples to adopt progeny in order to start a family. As such, marriage equality undergirds the very issue of procuring spousal benefits as well as adoption rights.

In a different vein, however, there is a handful of Americans who view the Read more Family Children Love Relationships Marriage Social Issues Adoption LGBT Homosexuality Issue Health Law 6 Pages Should Same-Sex Marriage Ruling Improve Public Health? Research Paper Example One issue on which I have a strong opinion is whether or not the same-sex marriage ruling improves public health. This issue is rooted in the argument for how the development of the concern for social rights effects the underlying public health. The way in which the argument concerning the issue is that it is essentially an issue concerned with the overall ability of these rulings to lead to the improvement of public health. This issue was presented by a policy maker or member of media within the past six months.

Furthermore, it presents the issue of how to deal with This court decision requires every state to recognize gay marriages that took place in other states; therefore overturning their local bans on homosexual marriages. This sudden change in the marriage law encouraged opposing views from policy makers, religious leaders, ethicists and the general public. For the supporters of gay marriage and the LGBT group, legalization of same-sex marriage is a key symbol of equal Read more Social Issues Relationships Love Marriage LGBT Gay Marriage Same Sex Marriage Family Law Children Homosexuality Government 7 Pages Good Example Of Obergefell V. Hodges Research Paper Obergefell v. Hodges Obergefell was the recent groundbreaking Supreme Court case that legalized gay marriage across the entire United States.

There is no doubt Obergefell will go down as one of the most widely known decisions the Supreme Court has made, in fact, Obergefell, broke the record for most amicus curiae briefs filed with the court Record Number Of Amicus Briefs Filed In Same-Sex-Marriage Cases, April 28, While I think the case was decided correctly, the Court could have done more to protect the rights of LGBT people, but decided against it. James Obergefell and John Arthur Read more Social Issues Marriage Court Criminal Justice Love Relationships Crime LGBT Supreme Court Law Government Suspect 7 Pages Good Example Of US V. Windsor Case Briefs Essay Facts:. The case is based on the experiences of Edie Windsor, who had been in a same-sex relationship with Thea Spyer living together as a couple for over 40 years and subsequent marriage in The marriage lasted for two years only as Spyer died in after living with multiple sclerosis that led continued paralysis.

When Edie inherited from Spyer but the Federal Government taxed the inheritance signaling a refusal to identify the two as married couples. The federal tax law provides for a spouse to inherit assets from the deceased spouse without having to pay estate taxes. The decision to tax the Read more Court Criminal Justice Crime Supreme Court Marriage Social Issues Government Relationships Love Law Politics Protection 3 Pages Human Sexuality Essay Example Human sexuality can be termed as the ability of a person to have erotic responses and feelings. It is important to note that sexuality involves the body of the person, mind and their spirit. Sexuality is an important aspect in the life of human being. The sexual interest and also the feeling of being attracted to another person can mostly be influenced by the sexual orientation of the person.

There are several ways in which sexuality can be expressed for example through thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, relationships, desires and values Haig et al. Sexuality can also be manifested biologically, physically Read more People Homosexuality Sexuality Love Feeling Society LGBT Women Human Family Autism Relationships 5 Pages Sexual Prejudice Essay Introduction. The American society is the most advanced and liberal community in the world. It is diverse and constantly exercises liberties that are guaranteed by the constitution. The unique feature about it is the will to embrace change. Nevertheless, all of the praise points come to a grinding halt when the subject of sexual prejudice comes up.

The empirical data on sexual prejudice almost makes readers wonder if they if they are still reading about the United States of America Herek, This paper integrates four main aspects of results from National surveys to compare how far we have come to Read more LGBT Discrimination Prejudice Bias Stereotypes Racism Homosexuality Same Sex Marriage People Transgender Society Community 4 Pages Free Essay About Managing Cultural Diversity At XYZ University Introduction. Since , XYZ University has been educating children of the middle-class in this part of the US midwest. Originally founded as a normal school for the training of teachers, XYZ has expanded to a respected regional university with an array of undergraduate programs in the arts and sciences.

Located in an area that remains relatively rural, XYZ is a source of vibrant public programming in arts and culture for the local populace. It also runs a substantial continuing education division that Read more Students Development Diversity Education University Gender Management Culture Change Process Community Identity People 14 Pages Good Essay About Employment Law And Gender Equality Institution Name The state chosen where there exists effective legislation for the protection of rights of people belonging to all sexual orientations from discrimination is Illinois.

In the state, sexual orientation and freedom of practice of same-sex marriage was legal since till when it was finally banned. In November , same-sex marriage once again regained legal recognition. The laws of Illinois that provide protection to transgender and transsexuals are called LGBT laws Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual laws and they define discrimination based on sexual orientation as discrimination in employment, education, domestic relation, real estate transactions, and The 26th of June marked the history as the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage in all 50 states in the United States of America. Throughout the day, all the media corporations drew attention to this event calling it momentous, historic, and extremely meaningful especially for the members of the LGBT community.

Despite the contradicting opinion of the general public, there was still positive overall response from the majority of the public about the legalization of same sex marriage, and the Americans generally supported marriage equality. It is curious to see that the media played a vital role to make Read more Media Social Issues Marriage Love Relationships Society Same Sex Marriage Crime Politics Criminal Justice Gay Marriage Court 2 Pages Good Example Of Complete Name Of The Student Critical Thinking Complete Name of the Professor. Marriage, as traditionally defined, is a religious and legal commitment between a man and a woman. This long held traditional meaning has been recently abolished. Last June 26, marked as one of the historic dates for all Americans, particularly for the LGBT communities.

The US Supreme Court in its ruling struck down gay marriage bans as unconstitutional. Thus same sex marriage is now the law of the land in all 50 states. Further this means that rights and obligations that accompanies with marriage are now granted to same-sex couples. This unprecedented decision, considered to be decades in the making Read more Social Issues Relationships Love Marriage Ruling Same Sex Marriage Gay Marriage Law Criminal Justice LGBT Supreme Court Court 2 Pages Free Essay About Complete Name Of The Student Complete Name of the Professor. Common responses were based on morality issues, indicating that people are sinners. The proponents, however, argued that denial of same-sex marriage is unconstitutional. Conversely, moral approval or disapproval does not make a very strong argument or makes Read more Love Social Issues Marriage Relationships Same Sex Marriage Gay Marriage Criminal Justice Law Crime Public Court LGBT 6 Pages Example Of Essay On Cyber High English Activities 17, 18, 22 Activity It is indeed true that over the last decade, the variety of shows being aired on televisions have increased.

One particular variety that has started to gain strong traction in the said industry is the reality TV show variety. These are basically television shows that exude a certain level of realism in them, which is their main selling point. Most people watch television in order to get entertained by fictitious storylines that may be either in the form of drama, comedy, and even romantic soap operas. What makes reality TV shows unique is that they are based on real and camera Read more Television Media People Reality Documentary LGBT Same Sex Marriage Social Issues Film Cinema Love Issue 5 Pages Same Sex Marriage And Crime Essays Example Same Sex Marriage and Crime. Introduction Throughout history, homosexual and homoerotic love has existed because of the sheer fact that men have matched with men and ladies have combined with women looking for fraternity, bolster and adoration — regularly physical affection Smith, , p.

He takes note of that Same-Sex links between men were standard in antiquated Greece; truth be told, the Roman Ruler Nero even had a formal wedding function with his male beau Sporus. Marriage has been traditionally a manner of regulating the relationships between men and women in the Canadian society. As same-sex relationships became more acceptable throughout the Western world, Canada sought to be perceived as one of the most tolerant countries in the world by allowing same-sex marriage in the name of equality. Same sex marriage is legal in Canada since and gay couples sometimes perceive the right to get married as a very important achievement particularly Read more Relationships Marriage Social Issues Love Family LGBT Gay Marriage Same Sex Marriage Gender Canada People Identity 3 Pages Good Example Of Critical Thinking On Same-Sex Intimate Partner Violence Explain and categorize intimate partner violence in same sex relationships.

Intimate partner violence in same sex relationships is the same as in heterosexual relationship, in which one partner abuses the other either sexually, physically or mentally. What are some implications of failure to acknowledge the potential for violence in same sex relationships? One of the implications of not acknowledging same-sex intimate partner violence is that lesbian victims find it hard to find support. As most of the domestic violence campaigns show the straight woman as the victim, it is very difficult for some people to accept that a Read more Violence Relationships Domestic Violence LGBT Homosexuality Partner Physical Abuse Love Partner Violence Same-Sex Same Sex Marriage Crime 2 Pages Definition And Theories Of Bisexuality Theses Examples There is no simple definition of bisexuality because bisexual people are a very diverse group.

Some of them tend to monogamous relationship, others may have more than one partner. There are several theories about the different models of bisexual behavior. Thus, there are 13 types of bisexuality based on the sexual desires and experiences. According to Flanders and Hatfield, alternating bisexuals may first have a sexual relationship with a man, and then can choose a woman, and then again return to men. Bisexual on the circumstances are mainly heterosexual, but can choose a partner of the same sex only in those situations where there Read more LGBT Women Men Homosexuality Sigmund Freud Relationships Community Orientation Psychology Life Theory Identity 12 Pages Free Understanding The Concept Of Friendship Literature Review Example Intercultural Friendship.

Introduction Scholars and academicians have paid little interest to intercultural friendships in spite of their obvious magnitude and regularity in the continuously expanding multicultural world. Intercultural friendships symbolize a close linkage between interpersonal and cultural dimensions of communication systems. The hardships involved in sorting them out might be one explanation why they attract so little interest from researchers. In recent times, it has become generally acknowledged that cultural diversity in the backgrounds of communicators contributes to differences in the patterns of communication behavior.

This has made several researchers studying intercultural communication to make the assumption that it is a distinctive Read more Friends Education Communication Relationships Culture Study Skills Friendship Intercultural Disclosure People Cultures 7 Pages Good Same-Sex Marriage Essay Example Traditionally, the term marriage was well known to be the union between two people; that is a man and a woman. But that is not the case in the recent times or in the contemporary society where same sex marriage has gained reputation and acceptance. This can be attributed to the fact that the issues of same sex marriage has been on deliberation by the public with those standing for and against presenting valid arguments.

In the United States for instance, the rights of the same sex marriage persons has remained to be most pushed for to the point that they Read more Social Issues Homosexuality Relationships LGBT Marriage Love Same-Sex Gay Marriage Family Law Politics Children 5 Pages Gay Marriage Essays Example I believe that a problem found in my exploratory essay regards Gay Marriage. Many people feel that it is a "should they or shouldn't they" topic. I believe that all people should be allowed "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness", as defined in the United States Constitution. Although this is stated in our Constitution, many people in this great nation have issues allowing two people of the same sex to have intimate relationships with one another.

They use hate speech, isolating those who have essentially "come out of the closet" and can intimidate those who are ready to share their Read more Social Issues Gay Marriage Love Relationships Society LGBT Religion People Community United States Orientations 4 Pages Example Of Decision Making: No Side Essay Is the Welfare State obsolete? The welfare state was first introduced by William Beveridge, in an effort to overcome hindrances to the rehabilitation of society after the war, by providing social security, free education, health service, housing and employment GCSE Bitesize, Despite the criticism this government concept has received over the decades, it is argued that welfare state is currently in existence and not obsolete.

Read more Government Social Issues Marriage Welfare Love Relationships Sociology Homosexuality Constitution Gay Marriage Same-Sex LGBT 3 Pages Essays Example Discussion Leader. Answers two Questions from the list Q. All the three crimes took place in different parts of the world. The first one is about a man whose body was found on a beach in Spain; most likely tortured for a long Read more Law Sociology Social Issues Hate Social Media Discrimination Crime Media Victimology Sexual Abuse People Dialogue 6 Pages Example Of Essay On The Symposium In the Symposium, Apollodorus makes a relation to an unidentified companion story, which he had learned about a dinner party, or a symposium from Aristodemus. The symposium is given to honor the tragedian Agathon.

Here, Socrates is lost in thought on the neighboring balcony, and arrives at the party late. Eryximachus accepts Phaedrus suggestion after they have finished eating that, every person should make a speech praising the god of love. After a consensus, Phaedrus starts by referring to love as one of the oldest of gods. He adds that love promotes the most of the virtue in people. Pausanias draws the difference between Read more Love Homosexuality Relationships LGBT Speech Same Sex Marriage Rhetoric Same-Sex People Women Marriage Symposium 4 Pages Argumentative Essay On The Pros And Cons Of Single-Sex Schools Education is a conventional mode of receiving knowledge needed for people to pursue professional aspirations. To make school environment better in terms of efficiency, school officials came to introduce class differentiation years ago.

The system of single-class schools had not regained its popularity with American parents until s. On paper, single class schools handle the problem of bullying, however, not necessarily. Better school performance and mental skills development are believed to be the case in such Many people see them as different, or abnormal. They see no reason to provide them with the same basic rights, such as marriage or parenting, that straight people are provided. Some feel so extremely about the LGBT community that they harm members, actions known as hate crimes, in order to instill fear, or set an example. The LGBT community is gaining progress in many separate states concerning their civil rights, but it appears that where progress is Read more Law Social Issues Discrimination LGBT Community Crime Marriage Hate Students Orientation Gay Sexual Orientation 11 Pages Gay Marriage Research Paper Samples Introduction.

The equality of rights is one of major principles, constituted by both international and national sources of human rights law. In broad terms this principle means that all the people should have equal rights, regardless of their nationality, colour of skin, political views, state of health and sexual orientation. At the same time international law recognizes that family plays an essential role in the life of a person and human society as a whole. The right to marriage can Read more Law Social Issues Homosexuality Relationships LGBT Democracy China People Community Sociology Criminal Justice Society 8 Pages Essays That Wow - Cultural Significance Of The Pasadena Tournament Of Roses Parade Cultural practices differentiate one society from another. A festival, in particular, is a rich representation of particular culture.

The Annual Tournament of Roses Parade at Pasadena, California is an appropriate example of such festival. This event has just turned years old and it reflects the beliefs, attitudes and values of the residents, not only in Pasadena, but also in the State of California. The City of Read more Family Society California Relationships Culture Sports Marriage City Parade Tournament History Love 7 Pages Gay Marriage Argument Essays: Should It Be Legalized Introduction. The legalization of Gay marriage has stirred a lot of controversies in America, and the world in general.

Traditionally, marriage has been rooted in many cultures, practices and even traditions, as the union of a man and a woman. Same sex marriages or relationships have been prohibited all along, and people that went against these practices were often termed as outcasts. But in the recent years, the rate of gay marriages and relationships has been on the rise. This has stirred a lot of debate on whether they should be legalized or not. Movements and societies have been formed to protects the gay Gender defines that expectations of society on how people should act and think pas either male or female. The way they behave, dress and physical appearance as well, determine the gender. On the other hand, sexual orientation entails the attraction different people have towards a particular sex.

While most people show opposite sex attraction, some show same sex attraction. The display of sex orientation to a particular sex and gender identity, Read more Women Sexual Orientation Gender Movies LGBT Cinema Homosexuality Orientation Men People Mall Teenagers 3 Pages Good Example Of Gay Marriage Research Paper Gay marriage is a type of union between two love partners who are of the same sex, especially the male gender. In the United States, marriage of the gay is recognized legally by the federal government and some jurisdictions. A total of eight tribal jurisdictions of the Native Americans are known to issue marriage certificates for couples of the same sex. The main problem of sex marriage in the United States is that it faces great opposition from arguments on religious concerns and parenting concerns.

They are seen as changes that would affect the definition of marriage by including incest Read more Social Issues Relationships LGBT Gay Marriage Love Marriage Same-Sex Homosexuality People Law Human Rights Support 2 Pages Good Argumentative Essay On Same Sex Marriage Same sex marriages are those marriages whereby members of the same gender come together and form a family. In same sex marriages, persons who are of the same biological anatomy in terms of sex engage in a family relationship. When both parties are men they are said to be homosexual while when both parties are women, they are said to be lesbians.

Same sex marriages are an emerging issue because a few centuries ago; it was rare to hear about cases of gay marriages. Most countries had laws in their supreme laws that defined a marriage as the relationship between woman and a man For instance, the definition of what constitutes a marriage has changed significantly over the years, and today, marriage is primarily a legal definition, rather than a religious one. This is not to say that there are not religious marriages; however, for the purposes of society and government, religious is taken out of the marriage equation for the most part.

He stated that same-sex marriage is a self-centered garbled behaviour Read more Gay Marriage Social Issues Love Family Society Relationships LGBT People Law Children Gay Marriage 5 Pages Media Analysis Of A Current Controversial Issue Essay Homosexuality is a current controversial issue that has hit the media. One cannot avoid the topic of homosexuality in the news, movies, books, social media, newspapers, and even in politics. Homosexuality has become a controversial issue around the globe today. After Uganda outlawed homosexuality in its country, the topic has been trending everywhere in the mainstream media, and the social media.

Some nations like the US have legalized homosexuality, and this is why there has been uproar after the president of Uganda signed a bill in parliament outlawing homosexuality. The media has always been blamed of being bias while reporting on gay Read more Homosexuality Gay Relationships Marriage LGBT Television Love Media Social Issues Gay Marriage Cinema Sociology 4 Pages Sample Essay On A Pedagogical Response To The Aurora Shooting - Henry Jenkins;. The concrete evidence and strengthened tone allows no space for disagreement. The example of media is the most obvious an intrusion in our daily life - In his attempt to establish the truth with daily life examples, he supported his argument with the use of video games that contains violence acts for youngsters.

His raised concern that intense focus and inspiration of the audience does not allow the pupil to distinguish between actions to be adapted in routine life and Read more Literature Relationships Media Homelessness Life Love Writing Censorship Individual Reality History Social Issues 8 Pages Good Sexual Deviant Behavior Research Paper Example Sexual deviance comprises of a wide range of abnormal sexual expressions from cross dressing, fetishism, sexual masochism, incest, pedophilia, and rape. On the contrary, sexual deviant behavior can be defined in different contexts. According to sociology, sexual deviance varies from culture to the other depending different cultural beliefs and norms. Sexual deviant behaviors are attributed with discomfort, bizarreness, and inefficiency.

Some sexual deviant habits include paraphilia, exhibitionism, fetishism, and masochist among others. Paraphilia individuals have behavior, an urge, or a sexual fantasy that is distressing and repetitive while exhibitionism entails sexual pleasure through exposure of the genitals Goode, Fetishism, on Password recovery email has been sent to email email. HIRE WRITER PREMIUM DATABASE Sign in. HIRE WRITER PREMIUM DATABASE. Type of Paper. Essay Topics. Educational Tools. Who We Are Contact Us Our Writers Honor Code WowEssays Reviews Blog Our Services. Need more Same Sex Marriage essay examples?

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